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Posts posted by laure_bee

  1. <p>Hi all!<br />Posted this question to an sfx forum and haven't got any replies... I remembered how awesomely useful your answers where last time I asked something on this forum so I'll try anyway!<br />For a video project, I would like to do water explosions, as per the reference images below...<br />I'd like to slow motion water bursting onto the talents' faces... Rather than the 'hosed down' effect, I'm really after blobs of water flying through the air.<br />Any tips on how to make this safe and effective?<br />From the ref pics, I think they might have made a water balloon...<br />Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks all!<br>

    And here's a link to the ref pics: http://xons.tumblr.com/post/105047893318/homotography-romain-laurent-for-wad-mag-53#<br>


  2. <p>Thanks Lex, I've seen the Blake Little shoot a few days ago as well, loved it!<br />I imagine glycerin is safe on the eyes (honey must be as well), you'd want that if you are pouring it on someone's face for the shot.<br>

    Thanks Charles, didn't think of projections on a fleccy, that's a great idea! Will look into that.<br />It would be really interesting getting different projections happening actually, and try different patterns appearing in the highlights.<br />Then agin, in the reference image, maybe that's a post-effect...<br />Love doing things in-camera though, so would be keen to test it out!</p>

  3. <p>Hi all! Am trying to achieve this wet/dripping water effect for a shoot. The water in this reference pic looks thick (texture) and shiny (light); any tips on how to achieve this look?<br />Thanks everyone!<br /><br /><p><i>Image removed. Per the photo.net Terms of Use, do not post a photo you did not take. Please use a link to the photo in question.</i></p>
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