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Image Comments posted by cherishedmomentscaptures

  1. I love the colors and softness of the water.  The only thing I am not sure about is how you used the rocks...they seem to be the focal point and while they make the shot more interesting, for me the sky/horizon line is the best part of the photo.  

    Australian Spring


    Hearing the thoughts of other photographers on my work really helps me. Please take

    a minute to tell me what you like and what you think I need to work on...I take all

    advice seriously and use it to improve my work...thank you in advance for taking the

    time to tell me what you think.

    Perth, WA


    This shot was unplanned. We were sitting out on our balcony while on vacation

    sipping wine for the sun set and the moon, which I did not realize was out, came into

    view from behind a building. I could not pass up the opportunity to get the moon with

    the amazing sunset colors.

    Outdoor Fun


    I took this one of my son while testing a new shooting location. I would love to hear

    what you think! All thought and advice are very appreciated.



    When I look at this I can not stop wondering is this a great crop job or did he get soaked?  I love the movement in the water.  I would love to see this in color.



    I would try to highlight the catch lights more in her eyes.  In lightroom, I  use the Iris enhance brush on the whole eye and then dodge brush just on the catch light for this job and if needed I use the burn brush just on the outer circle of the eye.  Next time, try to position her so that you see more light in her eyes.  

  2. Patrick - First, thanks for the CC, I really appreciate it!  Composition is usually the weak spot of my shots!  As for the color, this was taken as a RAW file, the 'intense' yellow happened when I processed this.  It was done in LR5, mostly when I removed the highlights, turned down to -78 (I usually go all the way to -100, but that made the yellow way too crazy).  I am not sure how I feel about the yellow, I like the intensity, I dislike the unnaturalness of it, but when I have put this photo out in other forums most of the feedback I get is that they love the 'look' of the color.  


  3. I am dancing the line between amateur and professional family photographer and

    feedback on my work is critical in helping me continue to grow as a photographer. A

    big thanks to anyone who takes the time to give me some CC. This shot is of my son

    and was taken during a practice session.

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