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Posts posted by cherishedmomentscaptures

  1. <p>Thanks Marcus and Alan for mentioning the 6D - I was considering this and the only reason I was going to go for the 5D is I was worried that a few years down the line, I would have good reason for wanting the 5D and in the end spend more. This is in fact what happened with my T3i - I nearly bought the 6D and thought, well my photos are only for me, so the T3i will do...at that point I simply did not have the confidence to think I could ever do more than shoot as a hobby. Would the 6D also suit for weddings and low light/star situations? I started as a hobbyist doing primarily landscapes and I was just getting into night photography when I got pregnant. Getting out at the wee hours is still a bit hard for me, but weddings and night shooting is something I would like to keep open with my purchase. </p>

    <p>Ruben - thank you for the suggestion, I am going to take you up on the testing. I have not done an exercise like the one you suggested. The noise I am seeing is in Lightroom and not on prints. I just assumed I would see the noise on larger prints 16x20 (I think that is the largest recommended print size for my camera).</p>

  2. <p>Thanks again William W - the feedback is great. I hear you on the shutter speed. One of the reasons I want to upgrade is because I have read that the 5D and performs really well at higher ISOs and I could obviously benefit from faster lens. Currently I see a lot of noise when I shoot over ISO 200 and I have already had to chuck a lot of great shots because of movement (though I now often use a tripod to eliminate shutter shake, but you are right those little ones move a lot)! I do have plans to get some backdrops - I am currently picking things up as I need them. But I am getting sick of all the white walls in my shots! <br>

    Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice on equipment and view my work and give me feedback. I truly appreciate it.</p>

  3. <p>Thank you everyone for the wonderful perspectives you have shared, I have much to think about! <br>

    William W - I think I knew the two lens would be limiting myself too much, but I really needed to hear it. I appreciate the alternatives you and others have brought into my line of consideration. <br>

    I will say, I am not planning on ditching the T3i all together, it will still be around as a back up, and as I build up my equipment, I may decide shoot with two cameras for awhile. Also, one of the reasons I was looking at the 70-200 2.8L is because I do not have a telephoto (I have a 18-55 kit lens and Canon 50 1.8 II, which gives me nice photos but takes forever to focus so I only use it with newborns who do not move much!). I shadowed a photographer who uses the 200L - one of her shooting technique is to give the subjects space to be themselves and it is remarkable the moments she catches...but I am not about to 'start' with a $5000-$6000 lens! I also want to keep the option of weddings open and I have read that the 70-200 2.8L is a favorite for wedding photographers (however, I do not want to become a full time wedding photographer, rather be able to do a handful a year if the opportunities arise) - I was hoping this lens would be good for both. I like the idea of renting one to see if I can handle it. <br>

    No worries Puppy face, I am capable of my own chest beating and posturing from time to time;) But thank you for your concern...I assuming I am the OP? I live in another age when it comes to acronyms in writing. I guess it is true, at some point we all start to sound like our mothers!<br>

    Also, I posted a handful of pictures since I am dancing the line between amateur and professional I need feedback! I would be so appreciative for folks to stop by and view my photos and let me really know what you think! </p>

  4. <p>JDM - Thank you for the cheaper recommendation. But I am going to ditch the crop sensor in 6-12 months, so I really do not want to spend money on a lens for it. I am want to pull the purchase of the 70-200mm L lens if it will work on the T3i (thank you for confirming it will!) and if there will be some value added. <br>

    Harry- I did not ask the other question well. I have heard/read that L lens produce sharper and better color images. Even though I suspect I would still see that with it mounted to a T3i, I wanted to throw the question out there in case there are factors that would affect the performance of an L lens on a T3i.</p>


  5. <p>About a year ago I started doing portraits for friends with my T3i, kit 18-55mm and the el cheapo 50mm 1.8. I do newborns and non walking infants indoors and families and walking infants, toddlers and children outdoors. I am getting good results, people are starting to refer me, I am now charging, but not advertising so I do not have too many jobs. Now that I have a portfolio and I am sure I can get good results I want to upgrade my equipment. <br>

    My current thinking is to prioritize my purchases according to what is going to add the most 'value' to my work. Someone advised me to start with lenses...so I am thinking of buying the 70-200 2.8L IS first since I do not have any telephotos and I adore the boken of telephotos. During the second half of the year I am thinking of buying the Canon 5D Mark III and the 50mm 1.4L, and maybe in a few years a 35mm L . So here are my questions: Can I use full frame lenses with a T3i and if so, will it be 'beneficial' in my work? I would love to hear from other natural light/outdoor family photographers about my plans for my lenses...do you think I can get away with just a a 50mm and a 70-200mm? </p>

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