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Posts posted by chris_taylor16

  1. <p>Some things to consider. What is the source of your feelings "this feels illegal" if you carefully think about this you will discover it has nothing to do with people flying their model aircraft with low res wide angle camera's onboard and more to do with the "media demonization" of drones and the not entirely correct usage of the word "drone"<br>

    <br />this is what gives you the heebee geebees feeling when you see it.<br>

    <br />your 70-300 lens can capture "1000%" more detail than that drone can with its crappy lens crappy sensor and wide angle.<br>

    YOUR shot can actually count the LED's on the drone while the drone could barely tell how many people were on the ground not to speak of gender and identity.<br>

    <br />unless its 10ft off the ground and in your face it is not "ID'ing" anything about you.</p>

    <p>these things are good for the same thing I use mine for and the same thing I have been duct taping small camera's to my model airplanes for 20 years are good for.</p>

    <p>capturing gorgeous "landscape scenery" shots of places I want to remember from a unique unobstructed angle.</p>

    <p>GO get one. not an expensive camera one but a cheap $30 one to play with about the size of your hand. you might realize how addicting the "concept" is when you think. I could put a camera on a larger one and get some GREAT shots.</p>

    <p>to really get your juices going for how amazing these things can be search youtube for drone flies through fireworks. it will blow your mind.<br>

    they are harmless. they can not harm you unless abused like ANYTHING can be abused. I can kill you with a baseball. not to speak of the baseball bat.<br>

    <br />the likelyhood of me even harming you with a drone even if I intentionally tried to crash it into you at full speed is all but 0.</p>

    <p>at least for small consumer copters.<br>

    NOW government/military drones. THOSE you should be afraid of. they will not be tiny small things. they will be large and you will never even see them as they spy on you from thousands of feet away.</p>

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