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Image Comments posted by camerashy


    I don't like it either, but I do not know what happened. It was not dark or really sunny out. The whole background of the owl came out like midnight.



    I took this photo of a snow owl using my rebel 2000 with Kodakchrome

    film. I actually like the photo, just not sure what happened that

    resulted in the effects of light and dark



    Yes I did downsize it a bit much. I did not want to have a long download and I overcompensated for this.


    Thank all for the review. I do appreciate it.



    Ok..so I will not get the man/woman of few words award. This

    photograph was taken with a Cannon Rebel 2000 using Kodak Ectachrome


  1. This bear had just got out of the water and was shaking off what water remained (and there seemed to be a lot of it too)He had his nose in the air and I was at just the right angle. Thank you for your comments.
  2. Thanks a lot for your comments. I do appreciate the help. As for the Sea..while I agree with the comment, it was not possible unless I was in a boat. Also, the comments bring up another question I have. I do have photoshop, but did not want to "enhance" the photo. I wanted comments based on how the photo actually turned out. But is it a good idea to enhance your photos using photoshop?
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