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Posts posted by claudiu_falub

  1. I know Dima Zverev from the same site (photocritique.net) where I also posted some pictures. He works with a Praktica and indeed he uses frequently a 20 mm lens. Besides Dima you may find some other interesting russian artists at www.artphoto.ru. I think the PHOTOGRAPHER is great and not the lens or the camera, imho. Even Leicas with 50Noct/75lux don't make you a better photographer. After all, the gear doesn't matter so much...<div>003eem-9210484.jpg.4a252a54b20051a6bc9eab0c322d8704.jpg</div>
  2. I would like to purchase a Leica M6-ttl body, but I am not sure what magnification to choose: 0.72x or 0.85x. I have a Konica Hexar-RF/Leica Summicron-M 35/2 Asph and a Minolta Dynax 9 (24/2.8, 50/1.4 and 80-200/2.8 Apo G). However, since I purchased the Hexar-RF I don't work that much with the reflex, so I was thinking to replace the SLR with a Leica M6-ttl + Elmarit 90/2.8. The Hexar-RF works fine with the Leica lens even at f2 as shown in the following examples: <a href="http://www.photocritique.net/g/s?zzkMUn-p20030826">1</a>, <a href="http://www.photocritique.net/g/s?zzkMUn-p20030826">2</a>, <a href="http://www.photocritique.net/g/s?zzlnNn-p20030826">3</a> and <a href="http://www.photocritique.net/g/s?zzlbwn-p20030826">4</a>.




    Could you please advise me what magnification to choose for the Leica body ?




    <a href="http://iriaxp.iri.tudelft.nl/~cfalub">Claudiu Falub Photography</a>

  3. My web page is at: http://www.iri.tudelft.nl/~cfalub




    This also should work: http://iriaxp.iri.tudelft.nl/~cfalub




    I hope to make something easier (*.com) in the near future ...




    About the Hexar RF. I still have one question: I have been

    hearing some rumors about possible "incompatibilities" with some Leica

    lenses at wide apertures (2 or wider). Is the 35/2 Summicron one of

    them ? Or maybe I should not bother too much since 35/2 Summicron has

    a DOF wide enough (even at f2) ...





  4. Hello!




    I put a question a few month whether to change my SLR outfit with a M-type rangefinder camera. Many of you told me I should not switch completely to a RF.




    Well, I have finally purchased a RF camera, but I think I have to disappoint you since it is not a M6-ttl ... ;) I purchased the Hexar-RF (Summicron 35/2 Asph) instead. Jeff Spirer and a few other people told me that the camera works fine with the Summicron 35/2 Asph., and I am not going to buy soon another lens, perhaps the Voigtlander 21/4. I have been performing a few tests and the camera is impressive. I am going to test it more extensively soon. (I still keep my SLR with a couple of lenses ...).




    Btw I put more stuff on my web site, so please take a look. Opinions are welcome.




    Thanks a lot and greetings!






    Claudiu Falub Photography



  5. Thanks a lot to all who answered me. I'll keep you informed what

    decision I have made. I'll go these days to try again the M6 and

    Hexar. I have to make a tough decision: Shall I keep the SLR line and

    buy the Hexar (electric, AF, single lens ...) or shall I go to the

    Leica M universe ... Brrrr ;-)



  6. Thanks a lot for your answers and useful remarks. I was thinking to

    move to the MF (the camera I most like is Mamiya 7II), but as I said

    in my post I became more interested in people/street/low light

    photography. In fact to say it straightforward: I had a revelation

    when I first saw Sebastiao Salgado's, David Alan Harvey or HCB's work.

    I thought I am wasting the time with these landscapes, travel shots.

    Although I was looking for the dynamic landscape, it seemed to me that

    my photography is too static, since I used most of the time a tripod

    (Velvia, Provia, or T-Max 100). You say that I should not give up the

    nature photography, while in my mind I have now only: Salgado, Harvey,

    HCB, ... Leica ;o)




    The Hexar classic with the silent mode would be a very cheap solution

    to my problem (less than 1/2 the price of a Summicron 35/2 Asph). But

    the viewfinder, all those small buttons were confusing. In fact I was

    not sure where the AF was locked or not, etc.

    Anyway, thanks again.

  7. Hello!

    I would like to purchase a rangefinder. I am currently working with a Minolta Dynax 9 and the following lenses: 17/3.5, 20-35/2.8, 28-70/2.8, 50/1.4 and 80-200/2.8 (you're welcome to see my work at http://www.iri.tudelft.nl/~cfalub ). I started with nature photography, travel and recently became very interested in people (portraits, environmental portraits). I found my SLR too big and heavy for this type of photography (too many lenses, filters, tripod, etc.). I know the good work doesn't (always) depend on the camera. Last week I was in a shop and compared the following cameras: Leica M6, Konica Hexar RF, Contax G1 and G2, Konica Hexar (with silent mode). My favorite is M6 (or M6-ttl) since it is very silent, robust, completely manual. I've never worked with a Leica-M before, but everything was straightforward. While Contax-G or Konica Hexar are nice cameras and cheaper (especially the Hexar), I couldn't work with them without the manual; besides Contax G (i 1nd 2) are noisy. There is also the new Hexar RF, but it is dependent on batteries and it has the motor drive (for me these are disadvantages). So I thought the M6-ttl with 30/2 Summicron Asph. and 90/2.8 Elmarit would fit well for me (I would add later a wide/ultra-wide from Cosina/Voigtlander). However, I cannot afford to keep both cameras, the Dynax 9 and the M6, so the first one must go. I am not yet sure if I am doing a mistake or not (giving up to so many focals ...). Ideally it would be of course to keep the SLR and purchase the Leica M6 ... A choice would be to sell the 17, 20-35, 28-70, and keep the SLR with the 80-200/2.8 and buy the M6ttl and 35/2 Asph. Or a used M6, but I rather buy new.

    I would appreciate if you could give me some advice. Thanks.

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