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Posts posted by andrii_radevych

  1. Wow, Phil! Thank you for do full reply!

    And yeah, I also forgot to mention one very important for me downside of fs4000 scaner - his turtle speed...I've read about it few times, surfing through dome scanner tips threads and decide that I don't really want to try it, unless I will get "steal deal" for it. There is one fs4000 listed now on ebay for 79$ (+best offer), but it has no trays, which is almost impossible to find separate (for reasonable price) now days.

    Mostly I'm planning to scan B&W negs (about 80% of all shots), then a little color negs (about 15%) and the tiny rest will go for color slide.

    So what do you personally think: is 5400 will be a good option for 350$ or I rather consider 200$ Elite 2? Both of the scanners are going within my budget, but I still not sure - what to get...Or maybe I need to look for the clean Nikon V to skip all of the possible troubles with Minolta scanners?

  2. Wow, Phil! Thank you for do full reply!

    And yeah, I also forgot to mention one very important for me downside of fs4000 scaner - his turtle speed...I've read about it few times, surfing through dome scanner tips threads and decide that I don't really want to try it, unless I will get "steal deal" for it. There is one fs4000 listed now on ebay for 79$ (+best offer), but it has no trays, which is almost impossible to find separate (for reasonable price) now days.

    Mostly I'm planning to scan B&W negs (about 80% of all shots), then a little color negs (about 15%) and the tiny rest will go for color slide.

    So what do you personally think: is 5400 will be a good option for 350$ or I rather consider 200$ Elite 2? Both of the scanners are going within my budget, but I still not sure - what to get...Or maybe I need to look for the clean Nikon V to skip all of the possible troubles with Minolta scanners?

  3. Thank you so much, Phil, for sharing your opinion and experience!

    I mean specifically Scan Elite II and first (not second) version of Dimage 5400.

    During the last few days of researches I found dash of information with the similar issue with 5400 scaner, that you have. That makes me kind of sceptic, in terms of keep thinking about 5400 purchase, as it seems, that its common now days - to have this model in "half working" order...

    I was thinking of getting FS4000 scanner as well, but then found a lot of claims, regarding it's noice and bad overall performance, so this option is no longer available for me (plus there is no ICE in fs400, afaik).

    I'm kind of thinking about Plustek 8200i as an option, but heard that 5400 beet it a lot, in terms of dinamic range and overall sharpness/scan quality.

  4. Not sure that I chose the correct topic, but can't find anything closer to the question I have.

    I'm planing to buy a scanner for 35mm film. I know that coolscan V will be one of the best option for its price, but occasionally I found 2 great offers for Minolta top scanners: Elite 2 and Elite 5400. Both of them are selling for very reasonable price, bur Elite 2 is still about 40% cheaper then Elite 5400, so I have a very obvious question, regarding this matter - is it a big difference in quality of the scans, between this 2 models, except the resolution?

    There is a lot of information and opinions about superb performance of Elite 5400, but only a few posts, which I found about Elite 2 scanner. So I will be super happy for your opinion, especially if someone had an experience of using both of this scanners.

    Thank you in advance!

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