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Posts posted by hayden_taylor

  1. <p>Hey everyone,<br /><br />I recently bought a Canon AE-1 and I'm now in the process of learning how to use it.<br />I'm looking to shoot mainly in auto exposure seeing as it has this function.<br /><br />However, I'm not too sure on how to use it because it seems to be too simple than it actually is.<br>

    <br />I know you have to set the lens on the "A", however from there, I'm not sure if there is more to it, or simply just focus and shoot! Is there more too it? <br /><br />Everyones feedback will be appreciated!<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />Hayden.</p>

  2. <p>Hey everyone,<br /><br />Posted a thread up asking which cameras are suited for a beginner and purely looking for a more automatic exposure approach just to get started and my creativity flowing.<br /><br />I've been told the single digit Olympus OM models such as the OM-1,2 are the best quality in that range, however I don't have any available to purchase around my area and they're just out of my price range so the OM-10 and 20 will just have to do for now til I get into it a bit more!<br /><br />I was just wondering what is the main difference between the OM-10 and the OM-20 model, and which would you choose?<br>

    <br />Thanks!<br /><br /><br /></p>

  3. <p>Hi everyone! Thanks for all the feedback, it's insanely helpful!<br /><br />I do have some Olympus OM-10's available to me, however not many OM-2's at the price I'm looking for.<br /><br />Is the Om-10 good enough for me being a quality or should I not worry about it?<br /><br />Thanks!</p>
  4. <p>Hi guys,<br /><br />I'm looking to buy my first 35mm camera. However am having trouble picking the best one suited for me!<br />As i'm only really getting into it, I want to start off with a more automatic camera as I can (e.g. Automatic exposure).<br /><br />I have come down to a few cameras which are available, but I just can't decide and wouldn't mind some others 2 cents in it :)<br /><br />The cameras are:<br />1. Olympus OM-10<br />2. Minolta XG-M<br />3. Minolta XG-1<br />4. Minolta XG-2<br /><br />Any other suggestions will be very appreciated! I just want the most easiest camera for me at first, then I can branch out when I get the hang of it more!<br /><br />Thanks everyone.</p>
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