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Posts posted by clem_conr

  1. <p>I had been suffering from RSI (repetitive strain injury) for a couple of years. Both my wrists, my arms and elbows hurt. I couldn’t even lift a cup without pain. Not to mention computer related work, that was nearly impossible.</p>


    <p>July 2006<br />At the end of a three-month internship I felt a slight pain in my right wrist for the first time. In the following days I continued to work normally, hoping that after the next weekend everything would be okay again - but it was not. Even switching the mouse to my left hand did not help significantly. The pain had intensified within a week and now both wrists were already equally affected. On the weekend both forearms ... </p>


    <p>I have published my whole story on my website http://www.rsipain.com/history.php. You’ll also find comprehensive information on what helped me in the end to overcome this pain (22,000+ words, so arrange enough time ;)). So if you are a fellow sufferer, I hope this can be of help. </p>

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