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Posts posted by paul_dardeau

  1. <p>It appears that the OM2N has the shutter speed control as a ring on the lens. I have a Nikkormat FT2 that also has a shutter speed control ring on the lens. This has been my biggest complaint about my FT2 after having it for over 30 years. On several occasions I have accidentally bumped the lever for the shutter speed and inadvertenly changed the shutter speed without me realizing it until many shots later. I don't know if the OM2N would change setting as easily as my FT2, but it is different from the more typical dial at the top. I understand that some people prefer the shutter speed control as a ring on the lens.</p>
  2. <p>Out of curiosity, what percentage of your photography (non-commercial) is planned vs spontaneous? By planned, I mean that you mentally visualize the subject and composition and then go out and shoot what you've already "shot" in your mind. Do you have a tendency to shoot color vs. b&w in one situation or the other, or choose different equipment?<br>

    For me, it's probably been 95/5 in favor of spontaneous. I'd like to get my planned shots percentage higher, if nothing else, to get more balance.</p>

  3. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I just registered here, but have been lurking for several weeks. I've been away from photography (not counting occasional snapshots on a smart phone) for about 25 years. My interest has been renewed and I'm happy to be returning.</p>

    <p>My current thinking is that the majority of my new shoots will be with 35mm film, and probably the majority of that will be B&W. I'll be using my first 35mm camera (Nikkormat FT2) and a recently acquired Pentax ME Super for film. I've got a Canon EOS Rebel XS for digital. My Pentax is body only, so I still need to buy lens for it.</p>

    <p>My biggest concerns for using film are where to get it processed. At one time (pre-digital) I did a lot of wet darkroom B&W work, so I know about it, but it's been a long time ago and I'd be starting all over again. I'm not planning to shoot a lot of film, just occasional. Do any of you use mail-order processing of film? I think there are a few photo labs in my city. Ideally, for each roll processed I would want a contact sheet, CD of scanned images (I don't have a good scanner for negatives), and the negatives (of course).</p>

    <p>Are there others who have been away for a long time and then returned to do film again? Any words of wisdom for this old dog who wants to relearn a new trick?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance.</p>

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