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Posts posted by jo_o_dias

  1. <p>Hello everyone,<br /> I'd like to star this response by thanking you all. After searching everywhere without success for people with similar problems and possible ways of fixing it, coming here and in a couple of days getting so many great and informative replies like these, I couldn't be more happy. Also, I'd like to apoligize for not giving any news nor thanking everyone personaly for each post for the past few days, but things around here have been a bit busy and only today I could find the time to properly write you all and thank you.<br /> This said, I've decided this morning to add some WD-40 to the lens and so probably this afternoon I will try to unscrew it with the help of a hairdryer or something similar like some of you advised me, so probably late this evening or tomorrow I'll give you some news. Yes, I'll probably have to send it to an expert repairsman, but even so I'd like to take a peak before and check for certainty that the shutter is stuck or broken or if in it relies any problem of some sort, because there are many variables that could have gone wrong (e.g. bad light meter, bad developing, bad film, my lack of experience and knowlage :P), thus I can't take for granted the failure of the shutter, and also, in my country (Portugal), it's not going to be cheap sending the camera and having it repaired or even checked by an expert repairsman.<br /> Thank you all again and I do apoligize for any error in this post, since English is not my main languange and beeing quite young hasn't giving me much time o improve it.<br /> Best regards,<br /> J.Dias<br /> </p>
  2. <p>Hello everybody,<br /><br />Thanks you from now on for any information that you can offer me. I have a problem: I inherited a camera from my grandfather, a Leica IIIf with a Elmar 50/3,5. I really like the camera, but after shooting my first roll and getting it developed in a Kodak store, I stated that something was wrong: all my photos except for 6 long exposures taken in bulb mode were all white with random black spots all over them. I tried to remove the lens to see what was the condition of the shutter, if it was really opening at all speeds, if it was in anyway damaged, but after a good half hour unsuccessfully trying to get that Elmar from the body, I gave up. The lens seem to be alright, the focus rotates smoothly, it wiggles a bit in the infinite position lock but I don't think it's nothing to be worried about. I tought putting some lubricant, but I was afraid that it could get inside any internal mechanisms or optics and ruin something. So, what do you think I should do? Do you have any suggestion on how to remove the lens?<br>

    Best regards,<br>


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