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Posts posted by daniel_sauceda

  1. <p>Hey guys first of all I want to thank you guys for your amazing responses, it feels good to know that other experienced photographers are willing to help out those who are just starting out.<br>

    In regards to the picture we finally shot it on Sunday and it turned out that they weren't expecting anything too professional, they just wanted to gather everyone and take a picture. So they weren't expecting to see everyone's faces they just wanted to see the huge crowd I guess.<br>

    All week it's been cloudy and I was expecting a cloudy day since I knew a sunny day would be a huge problem and on that sunday it was the sunniest and hottest days its been here in weeks. I was a little upset but I just did what they asked. There were around 700-800 people that day and it took us about 20 minutes to gather everyone together and I shot about 10 pictures in only about 2 minutes since it was too hot they didn't want to do anything else.<br>

    This was the final picture they chose: http://i.imgur.com/LuirhUe.jpg<br>

    Not the best picture I know but it worked for what they wanted and they were really happy with the outcome. The shadows were very harsh, people closed their eyes, and many people's faces didn't show since some raised their hands to scream lol. I shot it with my Canon 5D Miii and my Tamron 28-75. My setting were f/8, 1/180 sec and 100iso.<br>

    Even thou I'm not happy with the technical/artistic part of the image I still had a lot of fun throughout the process and learned a lot of things through this forum. Thanks a million guys and opinions and comments about the image are welcome.</p>

  2. <p>Thank you guys so much for the help! I will keep all those things in my as I prepare for this.</p>

    <p>Let me just say that getting people to assist me shouldn't be a problem. I can get 10 or 20 ushers to assist me in positioning everyone. With all the help it shouldn't take us more than 15 minutes to position everyone. Also the ladder we have is pretty tall, I think like 20ft, could that be enough height?</p>

    <p>Also let me add that I am pretty good with photoshop and photo manipulation since thats what I used to do before I started doing photography. Would stitching be possible with so many people? Can someone give me more help on this if you think it could be an option. I could get my hands on a wider lens if it were required. I also have a 50mm L 1.2 lens but I doubt that's usable. What kind of lens do you guys suggest.</p>

    <p>I live in florida and it's been cloudy the past days and its expected to be like this for next week so I'm hoping it wont be a sunny day that would cast shadows and cause squinting of eyes. My biggest concern is that I need a backup plan in case it is sunny.</p>

    <p>Also if last case scenario my height or positioning isn't working we do have a hill in our back which is huge so maybe that could be an option. I just want to be prepared for any situation. Once again thanks so much for all the help so far! :)</p>

  3. <p>So I'm a beginner photographer (been doing it for about 2 years now) and this is my first time doing something like this. My church is having an event next sunday where they want to take a picture of the whole congregation since they will be wearing their nations colors (for the world cup). Anyways they asked me to help them take the picture but I seriously need help.</p>

    <p>I have a Canon 5D m3 and will be probably be using my Tamrom 28-70mm lens. I have 2 flashes.</p>

    <p>We are probably going to take the picture at about 12pm eastern time. The sun will be at it's highest point. I'm really hoping it will be a cloudy day so I don't have to deal with shadows or squinting of eyes but I guess I can't control the weather. I'm going to be standing on a ladder to get everyones face. We are going to arrange kids in the front since they are the shortest and men in the back since they are the tallest. They also want the church's building to be visible in the back (not sure if that would be possible). The space shouldn't be a problem at least I don't think so.</p>

    <p>I need help! I've never done something like this and I kind of have an idea of what I want to do but I really need help from someone that maybe has done something like this or has more experience. They want to blow up the picture to like a wall size, maybe like 10'x5'. HELP :/</p>

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