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Posts posted by kevin_klassen

  1. <p>Update: I now have the repaired lens. The process took 6 weeks. It was restored to new condition (it was only one week old until the damage of course). It works fine. The repair warranty is for 6 months. The CPU ($69.30) and focus/zoom encoder FPS ($2.60) were replaced and the lens was cleaned of sand and moisture. The final invoice mirrored the estimate ($261.90). The box was a little worn from all the travel (via UPS), but that is to be expected. I cannot compare it to any other camera/lens repair service. However, I hope this experience will prove helpful to others.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks for the replies. I will get it fixed and look forward to its return. Yes, I will inquire about warranty on the repair itself and whether my Visa credit card provides any coverage. </p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Well, I foolishly got too close to an ocean wave on a beach in Maui and my one week old Tokina 11-16mm DXII wide-angle suffered the consequences. Sand in rings and possible moisture damage. My Nikon D60 had an error message as the lens autofocus ceased functioning. I sent the lens in to the Tokina service centre in Huntington Beach, California and received a repair estimate for a total of $261.90 ($71.90 parts, $175 labor and $15 shipping). An overhaul is needed as they say the electrical components are corroded. The CPU needs to be replaced. <br /><br />The lens was just purchased for $550.00. The warranty will not apply in this situation of course.<br /><br />Is it worth repairing for half of what it cost? It WAS a good lens.<br /><br />Thanks.<br /><br />Kevin</p>
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