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Posts posted by kai_blanke

  1. Ray,


    the finder of my M2 is perfectly clear and nowhere dim. I also looked

    at some M3s at the last camera flea market here, and found they

    looked the same (at least my opinion, but I didn't make a direct

    comparison). They introduced a new finder with the M2 (simpler than

    the M3 one), and the mechanism is still used up to the M7, but that

    did not influence the bright-/darkness of the finder as far as I know.

  2. I got a used coupler for $3, works really fine and doesn't take up

    much space. I'd recommend that one, but only for less than the price

    of 2 rear caps. The above poster is right with the disadvantages, but

    if you use a body cap and two lenses or three lenses I think the

    coupler is better (body cap + coupler = rear cap and everythink is

    secured). But this is personal taste.

  3. Douglas,


    self restriction is really an art I have to admire. I also tried to

    stick to a one body - two lens combination, but when I ran across

    that cheap user body and the nice (and cheap) 50 russian lens I

    coudn't withstand.


    Now having two bodies for BW & slides I find that only one gets used

    at a time. I carry both sometimes, but use only one. I just haven't

    learned to think in BW and color - but am still trying. Maybe I will

    have the justification for owning 2 sometimes ...


    At this time the only reason for owning 2 bodies is that I can make

    pictures with a Leica of the other one ;-) And I wouldn't dare and

    sell one body ... it could be I'll never see that one again.

  4. I don't use straps, so my camera is either in it's bag (in my bagpack

    that doesn't make me look like a tourist), in my hand or in my coat's

    pocket. This makes you wear coats with large pockets and use smaller

    lenses, though, but I really don't like never ready cases and straps.

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