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Image Comments posted by susan_oliver2

  1. This does not look real. I keep staring at the petrified tree trunks thinking that they look like industrial smoke stacks. Perhaps another side effect of what we have done to our Earth. This photo leaves me wanting more information about this place and what has happened here.

    It' wasn't me


    The focus is rightly on this little guy. I wonder if he is responding in dislike or just being silly with the person who is out of the shot. Either way, the title says it all, "It wasn't me"



    What a happy and exciting moment captures! How true that we as parents see the danger while our little ones see the excitement. Together we find the joy together in the everyday adventures.

  2. You have softened a traditionally hard and sad image of a rock hewn final resting place. The ground is so hard that people and machines can now cut through it to bury their loved ones, but they pay tribute with great polished rock monuments. The curve of the road way takes the eye beyond, to whatever lies beyond. The image is softened by the curve, The colorful flowers remind the observer that those buried there are loved and remembered. Love remembered is not grey.

    1 (4)


    What a colorful and musical photograph! At first glance the colors made me smile, so brilliant. Then I looked at the angle of the peacocks head and I could imaging him/her dancing to a heavy bass rhythm. I actually assumed it was a male, he looks so full of himself and self assured. I can imagine him saying, "I'm yours." 

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