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Everything posted by dawn_c1

  1. <p>Yes, I had a look at the G2 but it's a bit bigger and heavier, the G1 fits perfectly. The price difference is pretty big too, especially when you're spending £300+ on lenses. I'm going for the 45 first I think, then possibly the 28. It's amazing how I can buy a body and one of the best lenses ever made, for the price of 3 DSLR lenses. Awesome!</p> <p>I'm shooting production stills for a movie in a few weeks and plan to do the majority on film, hopefully with the Contax. Can't wait!</p>
  2. Well, I've just sold a few DSLR lenses and I'm now thinking of going for a Contax G1. Bit of a swing but I had a go with one yesterday and fell in love. It's a beautiful camera and the image quality is superb. Aperture priority and being able to change lenses is also a major plus. I hope to get rid of my DSLR permenantly and just use the Fuji x100s for digital, which I pretty much do already anyway. My old Canon 550d works wonderfully well for video so all bases are covered. How about you guys, do you use digital or is it film all the way?
  3. <p>Here are a couple of pictures from my first roll with the Canonet. Only a handful useable, mainly due to me getting used to the focusing, but really impressed with the camera. Think I'll use 200 film next time the sun's out though, not that that's very often in London, as some of them are quite grainy.</p> <p>As for the point and shoot, I think I'd like aperture control with autofocus but not sure there are too many compacts out there. Any suggestions?</p><div></div>
  4. The Olympus Stylus Epic is the mju ii, I think they have a different name perhaps in the US. They definitely seem the best value for money, the T4 is double the price but I do like its look and the Super Scope. The Konica BM-201 is the cheapest and the T2 the most expensive, so I guess it comes down to funds and preference, as they all seem to do the job well.
  5. <p>Just waiting for the Canonet test roll to come back then I'll put anything decent up. I sent the film away this time to ensure no more mishaps with Snappy Snaps.</p> <p>So I would say I've pretty much turned my back on digital and I'm film all the way now, apart from work stuff of course. I'm loving the Canonet, I just need to get used to the focusing, and the Rollei, I just need to get used to setting the meter. So all I need now is a point and shoot and I'm sorted:) I'm trying to decide which of these I should get - the Yashica T4/T5, Olympus mju ii, Konica Big Mini BM-201 or (if I can find some extra funds) the Contax T2.</p> <p>Anyone have experience with any of these, or suggestions for other cameras? I'm looking for portability, a good lens, Autofocus and a reasonable price.</p>
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