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Everything posted by jfhall

  1. I have used Photogene4 - I beleive there was a small cost but it works well. You can do some post cleanup as well. it has worked very wel, for me - posting to Instagram and Facebook
  2. Amazing stuff! Thanks. Wish I could master even 10% of that ability.
  3. <p>Hello, I have been using Lightroom on a Windows platform for the past year and the computer just died. I am considering moving to Apple, but have a question. Can I use my last Lightroom backup (made in Windows) on the new Apple system? Sorry if it sounds like a silly question, but I don't want to loose a year of photo editing. Thanks, I love this site - have learned so much.<br> Jim </p>
  4. Hi, the only way that I have been able to is to export from Lightroom to Dropbox and then from my phone or iPad, I am able to access the picture from Dropbox and post. It takes a few steps, but that is how I have done it. Hope this helps or maybe someone has a better solution. Jim
  5. jfhall

    Mormon Row

    Nice picture. The sky is great! What time of day was this?
  6. jfhall

    Schwabacker Landing

    I like the overall color and wide angle. The reflection in the lake is very nice. Wish I had locations like this to shot?
  7. Hello, I just picked up a Canonet 28 and have been reading all of posts about battery replacements. Most of these post are from 2009 - now that we are in 2014 I was wondering if there is any news or development? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, JH
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