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Image Comments posted by mprediger



    Please help with this profile. The dog is silver in actuality so I

    thought this worked well in black and white. The background is a bit

    busy, but this was a shot of opportunity more than planning.

    Suggestions on improvements please...Thanks.

  1. I like this picture a lot...but after looking at it for a while, I realized what I would have done differently. First, I would crop the left of the photo a bit to remove that other finger over there...but more importantly, I would like to see this shot from more of a first-person perspective...looking at it this way is more impersonal than if the image was conveyed like it was the viewers hand! I think that would convey a stronger message. Also, you may want to stop down a bit on this...a bit bright for my taste. Other than that, I think it's wonderful and really made me think...
  2. I really like this picture...but there is one element which ruins it for me....the stem running behind the flower cuts the entire image in half, thus the flower does not stand on its own...also, the branches to the right are distracting, but if the halving stem was not there, would actually add to the picture...nice shot nonetheless...
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