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Posts posted by roberta_woodard

  1. <p>I did have it serviced (second time) last fall. It seemed to work fine. I tried shooting some shots of a friend's grandchild the other day and all that registered was a really cool looking magenta, purple and blue graph looking pattern. So, to the only shop we have anywhere near us in NEOhio, and he said it is time to replace the sensor. But, they would have to send it to Cleveland to confirm ($40) just to ship. If I have to replace, I would rather put the $40 to the new camera...we still have one kiddo in college!<br>

    So, I did some research on line and all the pictures of a bad sensor resemble mine.<br>

    John, thank you so much for your kind offer :-) , but I think if I must replace, I'm going with the latest technology.</p>

  2. <p>I have had a Nikon D70 for 10 years, I bought it during the fall of 2003 or early spring 2004. It has been a little tempermental for the last year, but now, I need to have the sensor replaced.<br>

    I loved my D70 (sentimentally mostly) as it captured both children through high school, all the family trips we took as my Dad heroically fought a terminal illness, and photographed (for free) kids who couldn't afford senior pictures.<br>

    I am in no way anything but a novice amateur. But I do LOVE snapping photos.<br>

    The man at the camera store said I should move into a D7100 so I don't notice any missing features from the D70.<br>

    Help? I've been reading forums all afternoon.<br>

    Thank you in advance for your thoughts,<br>


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