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Posts posted by not_ahappybunny

  1. <p>I just want my photos William. I have emailed her and begged for the cd of images. No reply. Only time I get a reply is if she hears I have been talking about it on facebook (someone was obviously on my facebook friends list and sending her screenshots of conversations) <br>

    Am I wrong in thinking that I am free to talk about what is happening, as long as everything I say is true? She accused me of defamation, which I have not done, as far as I am aware defamation is a false statement, and nothing I have said has been false. It has all been a true account of my experience with her. </p>

    <p>In my opinion she has no intention of sending out the CD, ever. I think if I were to go to her house she would just call the police. </p>

    <p>Yes I am in the uk, and I do have an acquaintance who is a solicitor so I have sought legal advice, but was interested, from a photographers point of view, in the other routes I could take without going to court, as I do not want to just get my money back, my main goal is to get the images and never have to deal with her ever again. </p>

    <p>Regards R.</p>


  2. <p>Ps yes I have gone back through my messages and I have found ones that state what the wedding package is that I paid for, I also have video footage of her at my wedding taking photographs and a video message of her talking about shooting the wedding and being paid etc. along with emails stating that she has the images in her possession but is withholding them from me. </p>

    <p> </p>

  3. We didn't choose her because she was cheap, I was booked with a fantastic local photographer but something came up

    and she had to cancel. This other photographer was very similar in style, so I asked her. She was however much



    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, looking back there's so much we should have done but just overlooked with her being a

    friend. So so stupid of us, I know.


    Thanks for all of your replies, I will let you know what happens.

  4. <p>My photographer at Lola Loves Photography is withholding my wedding photographs because I put a status on facebook telling people how annoyed I was that after 5 months I had still not received my CD of images.<br>

    She was paid a deposit before the wedding and the remainder in cash the day after the wedding, she was paid for travel expenses, she stayed at my house the night before the wedding, and we paid for her 'luxury' hotel room on the night of the wedding.<br>

    I never signed a contract with her, I never received a receipt. All I have is an invoice, emails and facebook messages. </p>

    <p>I was promised the images would be sent out over and over again, but they never came. Then she deleted her facebook page and her private profile, I could no longer log into her website to view my images and when this happened I took to facebook to tell my friends what was going on and how unhappy I was about it. <br>

    I have told her numerous times that I will take legal action against her, she asked me to remove personal comments on facebook and said she would send out the images once I did this.<br>

    I removed all personal comments and gave her 7 more days to send the CD, it is now day 7.<br>

    She is ignoring my calls, I am blocked on facebook, she lives 4 hours from me. Is small claims court the way to go? <br>

    She said in one of her emails she 'was not contractually obliged to send me anything'<br>

    P.s this girl was an online friend of mine through a parenting group for 4 years before she shot my wedding, she'd done a boudoir shoot as a pre-wedding thing (which she also took a long time to send out), so with her being a 'friend' it's a bit more hurtful that she has done this to us.</p>

    <p>any advice is appreciated. Thanks</p>

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