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Posts posted by keith_falk

  1. <p>Hi Rick,<br>

    This is the camera my grandfather brought back from the war. When he returned to Kansas he apparently tried loading it with film and using it as a civilian camera, but never used up the roll or even got what he had shot developed. He lost interest, but kept it the rest of his life. And so it sat, film in place, until he passed ten years ago at my parents' home in Tennessee. My father found the camera while sorting out his Michigan estate and gave it to me. I kept it for about ten years not realizing there was film in the camera until my parents mentioned it.<br>

    I have a colleague at work, Kris, who I knew to be a camera aficionado, and I brought in the camera to show him one day. I mentioned that there was film still in it and asked whether he knew how to develop it. He agreed to give it a shot and what developed were some eerie, ghostly photos of my grandpa's life on a Kansas farm. Really cool. Perhaps Kris will share them.<br>

    He really liked the camera, and it seemed to me such a waste to leave it set and degrade over time, so I arranged a trade with him for some military surplus cans. After all, I was mainly interested in the memories it contained and would never have gotten it restored anyway.<br>

    So it really pleases me to see the work you've done bringing it back.</p>



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