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Posts posted by ima_patriot

  1. <p>David, you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. I, like you, am simply using my first amendment right, while it is still afforded us. I simply don't agree with Getty. I don't like what big corporations, attorneys, and politicians do to the people-- how they use people. I believe in the people and I fight everyday against corruption. <br>

    Peace. In all seriousness, I wish you my very best.</p>

  2. <p>David, the crime was committed by a fellow who had never even blogged before, and didn't know what he was doing. That does happen. <br>

    You don't know the truth-- but I do. And what Getty is doing is beyond you, the photographer. Again, follow the money. <br>

    I come from a whole family of attorneys and judges... even one who served in the House of Representatives. I know what goes on behind the scenes. I do not agree with any of what they do-- how they use people. The star chamber is real (sadly).<br>

    I'm not against Getty services, I'm against the dark part of what they are doing. Absolutely go after the real criminals... but HAMMERS AND NAILS are not the only tools in the tool chest. Everything is not black and white, and there are exceptions. People do legitimately screw up-- albeit stupidly. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't make it right... absolutely... but in certain cases, people are just ignorant. People in this country aren't necessarily getting smarter if you haven't noticed-- when people like Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus trump the news. <br>

    Newbies who make a MISTAKE should be given a SINGLE pass. What Getty is doing IS EXTORTION. I wonder sometimes if the attorneys aren't playing both sides of this one. Lord knows they do in Washington-- create a problem, create a 'cause', fool the people-- so they can make money from both sides. Only naive people think that doesn't happen.<br>

    As for Barry... baaaaa baaaaa. You go Barry. Keep living in the bubble. </p>

  3. <p>Because David and Barry, there are circumstances where some idiot working for a company does something because they are stupid. I've seen it before. I know of a company where they had no idea that a fellow used an image that he found on the web for his blog. The company is a 4-person shop. Upon discovering this (from a letter from Getty), the CEO IMMEDIATELY took it down. But Getty didn't stop there. They pursued legal action against this company. That is BS. The fellow who did it didn't realize that what he did was wrong. Even our police use warnings and fix-it tickets to give people a second chance. Some people do dumb things. Some people don't even realize they're doing dumb things. And yes, ignorance is no excuse, but still, even the police give people a break to help good people learn a lesson and to not violate the law again.<br>

    What Getty is doing is PREDATORY. If you can't see that, then you are part of what is wrong with our country (possibly you fellows are attorneys, you work for Getty, or you are politicians who are part of running this poor country that is now going down the drain (no idea why... heh)). And, if by chance you fellows are photographers, I highly doubt that Getty is sharing part of their bounty with you-- the $1,000+ of cash they are extorting from people? Answer... NO. They are just another example of a big bad corporation doing the wrong thing in association with a bunch of ambulance chasers trying to cash in on a quick buck (which by the way I have the utmost respect for-- not (another example of scumbags running our country into the ground)).<br>

    Cease and desist (IMMEDIATELY). NEVER do it again. If you do, we will SUE YOU. It's just that simple. Nobody can argue with that. <br>

    Fellows... simply follow the money. How much were the Getty Executive's bonuses last year? How much was the CEO's bonus? What percentage of revenue is coming from lawsuits? How much did the attorney's make? And, most importantly, are you fairly compensated for your work? Some of the images I've seen, some of the illustrations-- they are absolutely beautiful-- works of art. Getty doesn't pay you enough for all of your hard work. This is not an example of a corporation fighting the good fight in the name of the photographers. If it were the case, then Getty would GIVE BACK to the photographers-- from all of the MILLIONS they are getting from petty lawsuits and extortion tactics. But do they? NO. <br>

    This is simply another example of a corporation taking advantage of others, in the name of a good cause, to line the pockets of the Execs and attorneys (much like what we are witnessing with our politicians and the attorneys using the people of this country to line their pockets these days). <br>

    You and I fellows are nothing more than pawns in this game-- but we don't have to be sheeple.</p>


  4. <p>What Getty is doing is not protection, it's extortion. What they are doing is predatory. There will be a massive class action lawsuit against this company, and hopefully it takes them down. Getty knew for years that people were using images illegally but did nothing about it. What they did do was start buying up photo/image sites (and jacking up the prices). Getty realized that they were sitting on a ticking timebomb... by acquiring all of these photo sites... at some point all they had to do was pull the plug on the party and start extorting money from people. I've seen this strategy many times by companies who file tons of patents, and then sit back and wait for some company to infringe on their patents-- but to not take action until the company had achieved success. They would then swoop in and sue the daylights out of them.<br>

    Getty is a scumbag company. No offense to the photographers out there, but they are NOT protecting you... they are using you. You are the pawns in their master plan to extort money from dumb people who don't know any better. If someone however is obviously a repeat offender who is obviously and blatantly in violation and refusing to cease and desist-- then Getty has every right. THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING. THEY ARE SCUMBAGS. Are they sharing any of their lawsuit bounty with you? Answer: HELL NO!<br>

    Photographers-- you deserve better than this. I think I'll start a legitimate photo site where you are fairly compensated, and where good people with good intentions who make a mistake are treated fairly, and those who don't play by the rules are dealt with accordingly. That is the only way to do it 'right' and ethically. </p>

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