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Posts posted by rich_pope

  1. <p>Thanks for the responses chaps. Dennis - I'm sure you're right about the F1N, but it's still a bit pricey for me. Robb - It's nice to know I'm on the right track. I think I have a suitable source for another A-1, with a warranty this time. I'll relist this one (with an accurate description) and hopeful someone can make use of it.</p>
  2. <p>Tom, I'll definitely be sourcing another one, as it seems a nice upgrade from the AE1 that I'm currently using, and even a broken one was nice to handle. Thanks for the tip about KEH, but I'm on the wrong side of the pond. I've just checked our closest equivalent and they do have 3 A-1s in stock, and offer a 6 month warranty, so I may give them a try. Will have to wait for a few weeks though, as I've just taken delivery of a Zeiss Nettar, and I'd like to put a few rolls though it first. With the current weather in the UK, it's difficult enough to get outside to use one camera, let alone 2.</p>
  3. <p>Thanks for the response Paul. I had considered the possibility of using it in full manual mode, but without the metering I doubt it would get much use. As I've been refunded the money I paid for it, if I can't get it working then I'll probably buy another. Regarding the test you suggested, I'm not sure how to check this without a usable LED readout. I attached the 50mm F1.4 FD lens, set the aperture to f/16 on the lens, and also selected f/16 in av mode. Pointed the camera at my laptop screen and it selected a shutter speed of 30 seconds. There doesn't seem to be any logic to its behaviour though, as in av mode it always selects a 30 second exposure, whilst in tv mode it always steps down to the smallest aperture.</p>
  4. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I recently purchased a Canon A-1 from Ebay, and on arrival it turned out to be faulty. The seller seemed genuine, and offered a refund as soon as I contacted him, but doesn't want the camera back. I thought that I'd ask on here to see if anyone could suggest a possible fix before I relist it on Ebay as "for spares or repairs". <br>

    The symptoms are as follows (with a 50mm f1.4 SSC lens attached):<br>

    In AV mode, the LED display only shows a flashing garbled display on the shutter speed side, nothing else on the display. Whatever aperture is selected, when taking the shot the aperture is stopped down to f/16 and a 30 second shutter speed is used.<br>

    In TV mode, the LED display shows a flashing garbled display at the slower speeds, but does display a number at the faster shutter speeds. It does not correspond to the actual speed though, 1/8 (selected on the dial) = 1500 (on the LED), 1/15 = 750, 1/30 = 350, 1/60 = 180 , etc.. Nothing else is shown on the display. It always stops the aperture down to f/16, however bright the scene and whatever shutter speed selected, and does use the shutter speed selected on the dial.<br>

    Program mode seems to be the same as AV mode. The battery status checks shows a rapidly flashing LED, and the 2 second and 10 second timers both work correctly - that is they delay the shot by the correct timing, the actual shot is as described above.<br>

    The LED display itself seems to be fully functional, as when you switch the shutter speed to "B", it displays "bulb m", and it also displays the "eeee ee" error message after having used the stop-down lever. I have tried the camera with several different FD lenses, and a different battery (taken from a working AE-1), but the camera always performs as described above. I've tried leaving the battery out for a couple of hours as well.<br>

    Any thoughts/suggestions before I dispose of it? The external condition of the camera is good, and I'd love to take some pictures with it, but I have a feeling that it's beyond salvageable. I'm prepared to take it apart if there might be a simple fix, but whilst I own some precision screwdrivers, I'm not a watchmaker and would rather pass it onto someone else than try to perform delicate surgery with my ham fists.<br>



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