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Posts posted by fotoalbum1

  1. <p>I'm travelling alone or together with friends, but i make the best photo experiences when i'm travelling alone. When you are travelling alone you are much more flexible, and it is the best way to meet and take pictures about local people. Most of the time, i'm also using the same equipment: Canon 5DM2 -- 17-40/4 -- 70-200/4 -- 50/1,8, ..also carrying a tripod if Trekking is not too difficult.<br /> david</p>
  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    After i broke a CF Card in Nepal, i bought a Sanyo Hyperdrive and i don't regret it! The best is that you can also put a SSD Drive into your Hyperdrive, making photo transfer reasonably fast. The device is not to big and very light, which is very good if you want to travel lightly.<br>

    best regards,<br>


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