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Image Comments posted by axel_farr

  1. The plant the ice hangs on is ivy, which keeps its leafes through the whole year.


    Wine looses its leafes quite early in the end of September/beginning of October, but at least at the first frost. So you will never see ice on leafes of wine, since time or frost will have cut them down to the ground.


    Greetings, Axel


  2. You captured the mood quite well. I once was in SF in the end of June and I can remember the moisture at the coast.


    It is a very fine image, and there would not be much to improve. At least nothing I could find in the moment!


  3. You have a real good photo published here. It is very nice to look at.

    The colors are great.


    By stitching together two images, you have two problems which are visible in the image:


    - a little bit of vignetting at the corners of each image can be seen where they are stitched togeter in the middle, and this is very unusual for a lens that it vignettes in the middle above and below


    - details from the trees did not fit where the images are stitched together, here I can see some washed out contours where you corrected the position of branches. Better not to have trees so close when images should be put together (but in this case, there was forest all around, so you would have needed to climb on the tallest tree around to shoot the photos).


    Well made! (perhaps next time try one of these Fuji panoramic 6x18 cameras, the scene will be worth it!)


    Greetings, Axel

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