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Posts posted by omar

  1. <p>I ordered the 4th Generation<br>

    •4th Generation, better quality, comes with lens Hood as cover.<br />•Made of food grade PC, STAINLESS STEEL INSIDE"<br>

    <a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270629107512&ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:1123">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270629107512&ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:GB:1123</a><br>

    I have not received it yet, it was shipped 25 sep.<br>

    Best regards from Sweden<br>

    Omar Brännström</p>

  2. <p>Hi<br>

    On my MarkIV I can not exposure compensate at all if I put it on manual. I offen use like + 1-2 for birds against clouds and sometimes when it is dark outside I use -2.0 exposure compensation like this wild red deer<br>

    <a href="http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128581441/original">http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128581441/original</a><br>

    Is it possible to exposure compensate with 7D in manual and auto ISO?<br>

    Best regards from Sweden<br>

    Omar Brännström</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hi<br>

    I use the 400mm 5.6 handheld with Canon MarkIV.<br>

    I also use tv offen 1600-2000/s for action and in low light I might go down to 1/640s. I want maximum shutterspeed and low ISO, and not higher aperture.<br>

    I use safety shift (ISO) cfn I-8:2.<br>

    Regardeless of light i got the shuttertime I think I need, and ISO changes accordingly, but I do not want it to change the aperture.<br>

    I wonder if other lenses behaves like this, with my former 500mm f/4 IS I used av so I did not have the same settings. I have ordered the new 500mm f/4 IS II and will test when I got it, but I probably have to wait a year for it.<br>

    For instance<br>

    Shooting sparrow hawk in air, in this case I used 1/2000s and ISO changes<br>

    <a href="http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128031633/original">http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128031633/original</a><br>

    In this settings I had 1/2500s and suddenly I sparrowhawk was flying/hunting low with background in AV I might got 1/500s? and that would probably be soft compared to 1/2500s and higher ISO with safetyshift.<br>

    <a href="http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128102009/original">http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128102009/original</a><br>

    It will be sharp but the problem is that ISO can get to high and it will be even higher if the camera will set higher aperture than 5.6, like 6.3 or something.<br>

    If I set the camera on 1/3 step it sometimes changes the aperture to 6.3 and if I set the camera on 1/2 step it will sometime set the aperture at 6.7 instead.<br>

    When I shoot handheld very early in the morning, I might go down to 1/640s so the ISO will not be to high.<br>

    Here is a wild red deer running and at 1/640s handheld camera, aperture 5.6 and if it would be at 6.3 och 6.7 the iso would be even higher, there are already to much noise in the picture.<br>

    <a href="http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128322679/original">http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/128322679/original</a><br>

    Here is another one with Canon MarkIII instead at 1/640s<br>

    <a href="http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/117633427/original">http://www.pbase.com/omar_brannstrom/image/117633427/original</a><br>

    Best regards from Sweden<br>

    Omar Brännström</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. Hi


    We are all different and have different needs


    A 500mm 5.6 IS would probably cost half of the 500mm f/4, about 3000$ compared to 6000$, and half weight about 2kg to almost 4kg.


    I think most could easely handhold a 2kg 500mm 5.6 lens and have it hanging from the shoulder or have it on a cheap monopod with head for 50$. I used my 400mm f/4 DO like that and it is at 2kg.


    Most 500mm f/4 users add a carbonfiber tripod and Wimberleyhead for about 1000$ and about 3.5kg, as I did.


    For me a f/4 long lens was important when I was shooting with 50-100 ISO slide film. Now with digital I can easely bump up the ISO so a f/5.6 would not be a problem for me.


    And with a probody like 1D mark3 and a 500mm 5.6 + 1.4xtc will still af.


    Best regards

    Omar Br䮮str�m


  5. Hi


    I had the 400mm f/4 DO, sold it, bought the 400mm 5.6 instead, sharper. To slow? I can use 6400 ISO on my next camera mark3, so 5.6 is not slow for me.


    Test http://www.michaelfurtman.com/comparing_canon_400s.htm




    A normal 400mm f/4 IS would probably be at 3kg (400mm 5.6 is 1.2kg) one stop difference, 100ISO to 200ISO


    Canon 400mm f/4 prototype, below




    I wish Canon would release a series of lighter superteles that could easely be handhold or used on monopod. I recently sold my 500mm f/4 IS, to heavy, needs tripod, 8 year old construction. 3.9 kg, Nikons 500mm is about 3.4kg. The 400mm DO f/4 aint sharp enough for me.


    400mm 5.6 IS, 4 stop IS, fast af, superb optical quality.


    500mm 5.6 IS, 4 stop IS, fast af, superb optical quality.


    600mm 5.6-6.3? IS, 4 stop IS, fast af, superb optical quality.


    800mm 8.0 IS, 4 stop IS, fast af, superb optical quality?


    I would probably go for a 500mm 5.6 IS at about 2kg


    Canon had a 500mm 5.6 before, only 30cm long.




    Canon also had a 800mm 8.0 before




    The are offcourse old and heavy constructions, new lenses will be lighter.


    Digitalcamera will have less and less noise, so if they could shoot at f/8 year 1971 with film it is possible with digitalcameras like mark3 6400 ISO.


    Best regards from Sweden

    Omar Br䮮str�m

  6. Hi


    I had the 500mm f/4 sold it, needed money. I am goint to shot with the 400mm 5.6, very nice lens, better than the 400mm DO f/4 I had before, se test here http://www.michaelfurtman.com/test_images.htm


    more here http://www.michaelfurtman.com/comparing_canon_400s.htm



    My 400mm 5.6 gallery here





    Great 400mm 5.6 pictures here







    Best regards from Sweden


    Omar Br䮮str�m

  7. Hi


    Never forget that new firmware alter the first specification.


    " : What has changed in the version 1.2.6 firmware?



    A : It includes the following improvements:

    It fixes the phenomenon wherein the camera does not detect the capacity correctly when high-capacity recording media are initialized.


    a) SDHC cards with capacities exceeding 2GB (e.g., 4GB, 8GB) are now supported.

    b) The phenomenon wherein the camera cannot correctly detect the capacity of CF cards with capacities exceeding 8GB (e.g., 12GB, 16GB) correctly when they are initialized has been corrected."


    This firmware is old, year 2006





    So the mark3 can take at least 16GB CF card.


    Best regards


    Omar Br䮮str�m

  8. Hi


    I normaly use the 500mm IS USM f/4 and after I sold my 400mmDO IS I bought a 400mm 5.6. I was thinking it could be difficult to shoot 400mm 5.6 without any IS but it works in the real world.


    The 400mm 5.6 is a great lens for the money.


    I use my 400mm 5.6 mostly handhold or on a beanbag


    My 400mm 5.6 testgallery




    Best regards from Sweden


    Omar Br䮮str�m


  9. Hi


    I have the 500 mm IS USM and got the 400mm DO for extended walks.


    I find the 400mm DO, maybe not so sharp as my 500mm but sharp enough for my needs. I really like the 400mm DO


    Here are som pictures taken with 400mm DO + 1.4xTC and f/5.6. The pictures are cropped and on wild animals. I have only had this lens for one week. Click on "full exif" for more information




    Best regards from Sweden

    Omar Br䮮str�m

  10. I just bought the Canon 500mm IS USM and EOS 1-V HS and I am trying

    to figure out how to disable manuel override, because if I shoot

    from a car (beanbag) in one shoot mode and lock on the objekt and

    the recompose I am afraid that the manuel ring on the beanbag will

    turn and the focus will change.


    I tried the costum function 7:1 and 7:2 and it didnt work the manual

    overide i still working. I have costum function 4:0.


    I have just switched from Nikon, had 500mm f/4 AF-S and Nikon F100

    and on the 500mm I could easely disable the manual overide on the

    lens, AF only.


    Do any one have some clue?


    Best regards frpm cloudy Sweden


    Omar Brännström

  11. Hi


    I am soon going to the Alps for a fototrip (landscape photography).

    And I use Nikon AF 24mm with HOYA 81B filter. Can I attach a

    cokinfilter holder P with a ND grey filter with the Hoya filter

    attached to lens without it vignettes (dark corners). In my opinion

    the shadows will be to cool so I need a warmingfilter and also it

    would be good not to have to unscrew the Hoya filter every time I

    use the Cokinfilterholder. I dont have a ND grey filter yeat but I

    think the 3 stop (0,9 grad) will be the most usefull one inte the



    Best regards from rainy Sweden



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