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Posts posted by andrew_brosig1

  1. <p>Christian:<br>

    I would worry too much about that minimal contact. Short of chopping the battery up and swallowing it, what ever mercury may have gotten on your fingers most likely was removed the next time you washed your hands. I'm not an expert so that's just my thought.<br>

    <br />I recently acquired an FTbQL and I've shot a couple of test rolls of Delta 400 (rated 200 and developed in HC110, Dil. H) A number of the negs looked thin. Sure it wasn't the development, because a roll of 120 Delta shot the same way and developed with the 35mm came out fine. The camera, to the best of my knowledge, had been sitting on a shelf for 20 years, since the husband of the lady I bought it from passed away. I shot several images with a 25A red filter. I wouldn't think that could affect the metering, but stranger things have happened. I replaced the old battery with a modern 625 alkaline. Meter readings looked correct, but negs still thin.<br>

    <br />Any thoughts on the Wein zinc-air? I've heard battery life is very limited. But, they aren't that expensive. Gotta test the camera vs. a separate meter I know is right before I make the decision, I guess.<br>


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