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Image Comments posted by berniek

  1. Wouldn't call the day dull at all -- the dramatic sky fits with the castle & rock nicely, so you timed it well. My first thought was this was photoshopped, given the way the castle and the rock have weathered to the same tone. Nice work.



    Heather, I would venture to say that someone with the surname Kowalik knows of things Polish!


    Again, consistently fine work built on a signature style.

  2. A lot of living expressed in this face. The B&W version is stronger, more abstract. I was trying to figure out the lighting setup from the catchlights in his eyes, then I went back and noticed you took this at a Denny's. So much for the light placement!


    If the background's the subject, then you've hidden the subject. Highlights are blown out and, as is, it seems to be a record shot not an attempt at a composition. Sorry.


    Very nice! The girls arms and the diagonal farrows give this a feeling of motion (having the horizon a bit off doesn't hurt in the least). Looks a little "flat" on my monitor -- I'd really like to see this conventionally printed.
  3. This reminds me of the high contrast stuff that was popular back in the 60's -- you may wish to crop it to a panorama aspect ratio & make it a bit of a surreal progression.
  4. Gloomy indeed. Big hulking bit of steel. I like the halo that surrounds the piping leading into the structure -- and the pipe brings your eye right to the thing. The building itself is a bit too dark -- hides some of the detail. Hey, the image works!

    Abandoned #2


    I agree that this is stronger than the version with the tree -- greater sense of desolation and abandonment. I like the version with the road as well, although the curve of the road tends to pull your eye away from the house.


    The house is well placed in the center of the top third of the frame. Nice work!


    This works well! Another nice image with supersaturated colors -- you're in a groove. Pay attention to John's comments, he's got some good suggestions.
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