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Posts posted by martti_o_suomivuori

  1. <p>I think I remember when the fad started...The first time I can recall seeing it was in X-files where the renowned cameraman Ward Russel created the eerie parano feeling reducing reds, filming under fluorescent light and also under the grey skies on Canada. Since then, it has become a cliché.<br /><br />Now I can see there is a generation gap there. My son makes his photos cold, contrasty and desaturated whereas I, the older I get, the mushier and more sugary my pictures have become.<br />Could be I am growing a cataract...<br /><br />I wish some visualogy historian would study this thing. I find it fascinating. Take a sample of histograms from the allweneedislove-period and those of today and compare them statistically. Interesting? (yawn)</p>
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