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Posts posted by steve_m10

  1. <p>I have found some really great deals on Promaster lens . I have a Pentax K10D so any lens with a k mount will work on the camera . Half the fun to me is finding a lens at a good price and trying it out . I like to take photos in every f stop at different distances and finding out its best f stops for the lens . This way I know if the lens will work for the photo I'm going to take . Once I found out the lens limits I take photos and see if I can get good, clear, sharp photos with my findings . To me thats whats fun about photography . There is nothing better than getting a good photo with a 10 dollar lens, It just takes a little time, but its fun time. <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7419/8758164705_f1f50c401c.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="342" /></p>
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