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Image Comments posted by jake_richardson

  1. ...i have to give this 7/7 i think.


    i have to assume it is a difficult shot, and i have to

    give credit to people still trying 4 x 5.


    i have an old 4 x 5 with a schneider-kreuznach lens, but

    i think maybe it is not quite as sharp or contrasty as your lens.



    I like the grain. Besides texture it adds some energy and fullness to the forms.


    I have not been as close to a tornado but I do recall noticing the light is definitely not normal. I also like the contrast between the colors in the balloon and the grey and green of the whole scene. It seems sort of surreal overall.


    I don't think the title is so appropriate though. It seems to take away some of mystery. I wonder if the people in the balloon got any good shots.



    this is a well-executed, aesthetic image.


    however, i never understand the effort to make a sexy image with a cigarette, when cigarette smoking causes sexual impotence.

  2. i don't get it either. 2s and 3s? i wonder if people do that out of some anger they have, and dump it on someone's photograph?


    i would say this image is in the 5 range. the colors are good. my only concern is that the hair is covering up some of the facial structure (cheek bones) and the face could be more 'interesting' if more of it was shown. also the hair covers part of an eye.


    i stopped requesting critiques because i was tired of getting 4, 5-6, with the odd 7, and then 3s or less from people who don't even have any photos listed.

    Equestrian daydreams


    This image could be a Photo of the Week.


    I like the contrast in warmth. Dark and cold with the snowy peaks in the background, green grass and sunlight in the foreground with the horses oriented towards the warm sunlight.



    yeah 4.6 is too low for this image. i think it should be at least 5, and probably at least 5.5, maybe even 6.


    but i guess one 3 can keep the average low.


    i think maybe the highest and lowest ratings could be

    kept out of the average.

  3. I like the old bucket. I don't know if it is old, but it looks like it was tossed there and left for quite a while.


    There is a lot of garbage on beaches sometimes, and oceans and lakes are often treated like garbage dumps or hiding places for toxic materials. So you have a compelling image with a contrast between something aesthetic and something repulsive.


    In Bermuda I was once on a beach where the trash was clumped together with tar. The trash was from cruise ships, and the oil/tar was from water craft also. It was shocking. Not at all anything you would want to touch.


    Thank you



    I like the photo. I would say it is 'good' whatever that means. But how could it

    be one of the finest portraits? In order to make such an overwhelming claim,

    one would have had to evaluate every portrait ever composed, which given

    the huge number of portraits is probably physically impossible.


    I don't understand what is so original about it. It has one of those standard

    portrait backgrounds, used in a variety of situations including school pictures

    for kids.


    And comparing photography to painting is fairly absurd. Comparing this

    photo to the Mona Lisa, or the 'masters' is completely absurd. I would like to

    see photographers who compare photos to paintings, to produce a

    reasonably competent painting. Painting and photography are not the same



    Painting is a much more arduous process. I like taking pictures, but choosing

    an aperture, some lighting, ISO, a lens, composition, and so on, is nothing

    like the physical experience of mixing paints, and knowledge required to

    paint competently.


    Any human with a pulse can buy an expensive camera with good glass, and

    start taking some decent looking photos, with the occasional 'good' ones, and

    once in a while beautiful, or 'wondrous' ones.


    Especially with the new technology. 1k now buys an 8 megapixel camera,

    and 5k a 14 megapixel camera.


    It's not all about money by any means, but production value is tied to the cost

    of the equipment.


    I like the picture, but what about it is masterful? It seems that sometimes

    high ratings are given because of an assumption that all POW are great

    therefore raters are required to give the high rating given by previous raters.


    Blind Conformity?

  4. In what part of Tibet was the photo taken? I understand from

    reading World Tibetan News posts that the Chinese government

    is quickly eliminating the Tibetan culture from Tibetan, only

    allowing small remnants that appeal to tourists for commercial purposes.


    I have heard that parts of India are more Tibetan than say Lhasa, because Tibetan Buddhism is not allowed in Tibet, except as ornamentation.

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