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Posts posted by jason_mcmillion

  1. <p>You are most welcome Paul, glad I could help out!<br>

    Hopefully you'll get some good answers from the Turtle forum section.<br>

    If you would like to sell your photos, activating the shopping cart feature is really easy.<br />Here is a video tutorial (something we'll be making more of) on how to activate the shopping cart: http://mcmillion.jalbum.net/Shopping%20cart%20in%20jAlbum/#shoppingcart2.mp4<br>

    I'll ask Laza where the Turtle name is from.<br>

    Thanks again,<br>


  2. <p>Yes, the <br> is just a line break, <p> your text... </p> can be used for paragraphs. Having several <br> after one another will of course do the trick too.<br>

    If you move your mouse over the Up arrow you will see there is something wrong with the link (your domain is written twice). Try removing the Homepage link since you now are using Top navigation.<br>

    Laza is the skin author: http://jalbum.net/en/skins/skin/Turtle<br>

    Good that you managed to reorder your folders.<br>




  3. <p>Turtle is my personal favorite due to all the different customization options. So great that you're not giving up.<br>

    We're working on a text editor for all page templates. Right now you'll have to use html formatting. You'll go a long way with the simple line break tag <br>.<br />Here is a rich text-> html converter that I found after a Google search (note, I know nothing of this site other than the converter seems to work): http://4html.net/Online-text-to-HTML-converter-831.html<br>


  4. <p>Hi Paul, I'm biz dev/coo at jAlbum, so no sweat :)<br>

    All of the skins people have mentioned here are created by us. There are several other skins created by 3rd party developers, but we like to promote them just as much as our own.<br>

    The about and contact pages are quite easy: Right click on the white area between your images -> New page -> About.htt. And then do the same thing to add the contact page (contact.htt).<br />Then you simply double click the thumbs to add your info.<br>


  5. <p>Hi Paul,<br>

    Great that the navigation pane is working for you.<br>

    Yes, if you're creating new album projects in jAlbum, give them unique names.<br>

    jAlbum's weakness is definitely documentation. But we're working on it and will hopefully have something helpful shortly. In the meantime, our forum (jalbum.net/forum) is a great resource, pretty much every question has been asked and answered over the years. But I'm more than happy to help out here on photo.net :)<br>

    So if you have any more questions, just keep 'em coming.<br>



  6. <p>Yes, we are working on proper documentation, I know it comes in handy.<br>

    I found your name in the image titles in this album: http://www.paulwhitingphotography.com/Montana-Wyoming/index.html<br>

    I'm not sure how you've entered the data, if you're using Lightroom, jAlbum will read in the EXIF / XMP data. Please check that you entered the data the same way as for example your Mexico album where I can't see your name in the titles.<br>

    Here's a hint that might help since you're using folders and wanted to add about/contact pages:<br />Go to Settings -> Turtle -> Site - Click: Show top navigation. This way navigation links will appear in the album header. You can also choose to exclude folders and add your logo.<br>

    Yes, please try other skins like Galleria or Chameleon, I personally like Turtle. It's the most powerful skin but usually requires some testing to get it to work just the way you like.<br />You can create several album projects in jAlbum to make albums with different skins for different clients etc. The Mr.Burn5 skin offers a full screen slideshow that I think is great for showcasing photos: http://jalbum.net/en/skins/skin/Mr.Burn5 (just click on install and the skin will appear in jAlbum) <br>

    Btw, beautiful photography and your album looks amazing as well.<br>




  7. <p>Hi again Paul,<br>

    Here is how you can replace the Up arrow (home link) to only the text HOME.<br />(it seems a bit complex, but don't worry, you will only need to copy&paste :)<br>

    Go to Settings -> Turtle -> Advanced -> CSS and paste the code below.<br />(if you want to change the text HOME, simply write in another text below.<br>

    <br />.top-level #main header .parent a {<br /> background-image: none;<br /> text-align:center;<br />}<br />.top-level #main header .parent a:before {<br /> margin-right:-.35em;<br /> content:"HOME";<br /> font-size:75%;<br /> font-weight:bold;<br />}<br /><br /></p>

  8. <p>Hi Paul,<br>

    The homepage link text shows up on mouse over (tooltip). The up arrow is standard in the Turtle skin. I'll get back to you about how to customize it with your own text.<br>

    Right click "Caption" on the status bar and you can toggle between Title, Caption, and File name.<br />Input you text/links below each image. Now you can go to Settings -> Turtle -> Thumbnails -> "place thumbnail captions" and choose "Below". This way both image titles and captions will be displayed below each image (default is tooltip).<br>



  9. <p>Hi Paul!<br>

    Great to hear that you're using jAlbum.<br>

    - Adding pages in jAlbum:<br />Right click on the white area (between images) and choose New Page (or use the three templates: about, contact and sitemap)<br>

    - Link to homepage: Settings -> Pages -> Link to homepage<br>

    - Remove the widget bar: Settings -> Widgets -> disable all widgets<br>

    Let me know if I missed any of your questions?<br>

    Good luck!<br>

    Jason McMillion from jAlbum.net</p>

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