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Posts posted by kimberly_lucero

  1. <p>Trisha, you misinterpreted what I said. I did take the advice that I asked for and I mentioned that I am very thankful. I do not need to go back to school, nor would I ever give that type of advice to someone I knew nothing about. Just my .02<br>

    And I'm sorry to drive this mcdonald point home but it is important you see the truth. Mcdonalds is at fault, not the woman and it caused a lot of aftermath. The fact that we are even discussing it is proof. She wasn't just burned, her skin had to be grafted. Please take the time to read this article: <a href="http://www.treehugger.com/corporate-responsibility/the-truth-about-mcdonalds-hot-coffee-lawsuit-why-it-matters-video.html">http://www.treehugger.com/corporate-responsibility/the-truth-about-mcdonalds-hot-coffee-lawsuit-why-it-matters-video.html</a> but here is an excerpt anyways:<br>

    "<a href="http://hotcoffeethemovie.com/">Hot Coffee is a documentary movie</a> that follows the stories of four ordinary Americans as they try to right perceived wrongs—and uses these stories to explore how corporate interests have stacked the cards to limit access to the court system.<br>

    Using the case of Stella Liebeck, for example, we learn that while she became a laughing stock and the butt of jokes on everything from Seinfeld to The Simpsons, the actual facts of the case point to very real, very dangerous malpractice on behalf of McDonalds."</p>


  2. <p>For the record, I am not offended by any advice given that I have asked for. However, I do find it offensive that anyone would suggest suggest business and/or portfolio classes. That is purely of opinion, without any knowledge of my background. It might surprise you all that I have several years working in a very corporate environment, college degree and all etc. That is besides the point, I did not ask nor do I have any issues in any of these areas. I admit I am not a fantastic writer, but this does not mean I am uneducated.<br /> As for the comments made by Trisha on perfection I will make some changes. I also made the text appear less mysterious as per John's request. I did not intend to come off as egotistical, especially since I consider myself to be fairly humble. Good food for thought. I am not here for a debate or a critique on my work. I made the changes to my bio the way that I wanted to based on the advice I felt would work for me and my demographic. To all of you who wrote thoughtful and helpful comments, thank you! I'm not sure how welcome I feel in this community but I appreciate the advice all the same.</p>

    <p>BTW~ Trisha- that whole mcdonalds incident you are speaking of was very real and the woman involved was severely burned. The money she won didn't even cover the bills from the hospital. There is even a documentary on netflix about it. <br /> P.S. For those questioning what a morkie is: <a href="http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/yorktese.htm">http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/yorktese.htm</a> first link on google. But, I made the revision anyways ;) as you are right in the fact that no one should have to google it.</p>

  3. <p>ok ok, I hear you guys. I would like to mention that the first bio I ever wrote was very similar to the one posted by Jeff. Basic and to the point. I had a friend in marketing tell me to make it more personal. Apparently I got too personal. I also have text on my first page describing what type of photography and services I provide. (I am a lifestyle photographer btw, focusing on families, maternity, engagements and special events)<br>

    Now with that being said, I have re-written my bio in a completely different manner bc yes, of course, I want to be successful. I also do not want to sound like everyone else. I don't think that everything needs to be relevant to photography. In fact, I have seen several articles written about how you should talk about anything except photography when it comes to an "about me". I have also seen other bio's that were short, personable and had little to do with photography but completely impactful. What about those? Is there only one way to do it? Most advice I seem to find is contradicting which is why I am here. It can be very confusing to determine the correct source of information. So, I will not give up and here is another version. Please keep in mind that I already have a clear description of the work I do on my first page. I do not feel it is necessary to repeat the same info in the about me. This version is much shorter and I broke the text down. I recognize not every single sentence is absolutely necessary when it comes to explaining what I do photographically but, I feel it helps in sharing my personality. That is at least part of the point, right? Hopefully it's an improvement:</p>


    <strong>Me</strong>: Hi! My name is Kimberly a.k.a. "Berlynn"


    <strong>I am a</strong>: free spirited lifestyle photographer with a passion for creation and a lust for travel


    <strong>Who lives</strong>: in San Diego with my wild morkie-mix Shiloh (she thinks she's a lion)


    <strong>Along with my</strong>: ninja partner in crime, a.k.a. "Roots"


    <strong>Height</strong>: 5'2 a.k.a. "mini"


    <strong>Mission</strong>: tell a story through the use of emotion and light; capturing perfection in the day to


    day moments.


    <strong>Vision</strong>: photograph not just people and places, but the way they make me feel


    <strong> </strong>


    <strong>"It is the photographing of ordinary things, in extraordinary light, which results in <br /></strong>

    <strong> </strong>

    <strong>extaordinary photographs." - David Young</strong>

  4. <p>Hi guys,<br>

    I am new on here, and find that I frequent this site for advice but have yet to ask my own questions. I love absorbing all the information but I am also looking to interact more. I have recently designed my website and not sure about the "about me" section, it is very me but also not sure if it's too much "me" and maybe I need to tone it down. It goes like this: </p>


    Hi! I'm Kim "aka" Berlynn. A high energy, bubbly, seriously creative minded individual who<br />cannot quite be labeled into a neat little box. I love monster energy cans, have a<br />lust for travel, and even a passion for fashion. Oh, did I mention I like to take<br />pictures? If anything my box is a hot mess...but the most fun hot mess you'll ever<br />meet! I promise.<br>

    In a nutshell I grew up all over the United States. My mom and her other half,<br />literally, had a dart board with a map attached to it and when the mood<br />struck..they would toss a dart and off we would move. Can you imagine?! Yeah-I<br />know!So growing up I was typically the new kid full of curiosity with a zest for<br />chasing the sun, always on the go. What does this have to do with photography?<br />Nothing yet, its just me and my messy little box that I like to pretend is not a<br />box...<br>

    So, after growing up throughout the states as a young wee-lil adventurer I<br />eventually ended up in San Diego where I went to high school and eventually college<br />only to discover that I had some SERIOUS wanderlust in which case I moved to the<br />Hawaiian islands. Sold my car, packed my bags and off I went. First Oahu then to<br />Maui then back to Oahu. Sounds nice? It was. Long story, you should ask me sometime. The words "Simply<br />Amazing" don't quite do it justice. I managed to explore my hand at writing a<br />fashion blog ( www.nosatisfashion.wordpress.com ) and styled my pants off while in<br />the islands. So if you ever have any personal styling questions, or need your<br />closet cleaned out, you can ask me about that too. I have a passion for LIFE and<br />all the beautiful moments that come along with it. I remember such moments as a kid<br />in the car, driving to wherever the next destination was, taking a glimpse inside<br />other cars; a glimpse inside other peoples lives and today is not much different.<br />Photography has always come natural to me and I feel privileged to be allowed to<br />not just take a glimpse, but to capture these moments in such a manner that is both<br />special and unique. Outside of the box, minus the hot mess of course. After all I am a<br />professional. Perhaps you will allow me the honor to take a glimpse and capture a<br />special memory in your life because, that's how I feel about photography: lucky and<br />grateful to work in a craft that I love so much. If your a dreamer, a wanderer, an<br />explorer or even just someone who follows their own personal dreams and goals then<br />I bet we would not just get along, we might even become friends.<br>


    Want to find out? Contact me @Photography@Berlynn.co"</p>

    <p>kind of not sure if I should remove the whole bit about the hot mess, I like it...but not sure if some people would take it the wrong way. I am certainly open to changing it, but I do want to convey that I do multiple things (I have a degree in visual communications, fashion blog, photography, travel/nature freak) Do I need to keep it all about photography or can it really be more about me? Thank you in advance for your time.<br>

    P.S. I do have another bit on my site about what type of photographer I am and what it is all about. It is more basic and to the point. So that's another reason I got a little more personal here. But again, open to suggestions. Thanks!</p>

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