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Posts posted by bob_dobbs2

  1. <p>Wow!<br>

    I gotta say... this really sucks.<br>

    Hired for computer work, nothing whatsoever to do with Creative/Art work. Never signed any agreements about photography or any contracts; and they can still claim all my photos?<br>

    No extra compensation for the work I did, which was <strong>very far</strong> out of the realm of my work position, and they still own it all?<br>

    Use my personal equipment; and they still own it.<br>

    As far as talking to them about use of images... The company, in my opinion, will never allow it. Even if it brings them some exposure; they are a billion dollar a year company and they are very 'possesive', and unless I plaster their name everywhere I don't see any way of getting them to allow anything.<br>

    As for my taking photos 'on my own time', it was hard to determine what my time was. There were no set hours when I was out of the country and I could be out from 7am to 7pm; (though I still only received my regular pay regardless of however many hours I 'worked'). I took photos in that time having nothing to do with the reason I was there. I also took photos at dinner/lunch etc... that were paid for by the company. Is that their time or mine?<br>

    Wow! what a mess... lol...<br>

    Thanks for the reply.<br>

    Very disheartening.....</p>


  2. <p>Hello,<br>

    <br />I realize there are a number of posts in regards to "who owns the rights"... <br>

    I have not found one that meets my particular circumstances. <br>

    I am an employee for a international company, based in the United States. I was never hired as a photographer, and I was never asked to sign any documents in regards to photography.<br>

    The demand for the only full time photographer grew to such a level that I was asked to go on international trips and take over some of the photography duties. I did agree to go on trips and I did do photography for the company. I used my personal equipment and I also used the equipment owned by the company. I never received any extra compensation for the photography work I did. </p>


    <li>Who owns the rights to the photgraphs that I took? </li>

    <li>Does it matter if photos were taken using my personal equipment as opposed to the company owned equipment?</li>

    <li>If I do not own the photographs am I still allowed to use the images as examples of my work and display them, even if not for sale?</li>

    <li>What about photos that have nothing to do with the company's work? Landscapes, etc..?</li>


    <p>I do not have the best of relationships with the company. After I began taking photographs for the company I asked the full time photographer about photo rights, and I was told that it does not matter what equipment was used. All photographs by any employee are considered property of the company. <br>

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. <br>

    Thank you, <br>

    Bob </p>

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