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Posts posted by iv_cali

  1. <p>He just said the number out of his head to make it big to show it as an example how much work it is. As far as I understand looking at that conversation. Plus, he wants to do the editing and he offered to do so. Im not requiring him to do anything with those pictures. I have photoshop as well and I've been working on it in the mean while so I have a pretty good idea how to do what I need to do. I just need the pictures. </p>
  2. <p>Thank you for all the responses here. <strong>[COMMENTS DIRECTED AT PEOPLE WERE REMOVED]</strong> Ill answer to everyone :) <br />The conversation that I have a record on facebook is valid proof, and it was an agreement which shows a breach of the contract:) It had all the parts that it could be considered as a valid agreement. Ill repeat myself again that I never said anything rude to the photographer and even though after he attacked me! I completely have a right to ask after the time passed how is it going with the pictures!? Instead of the normal answers he explains his whole story of his life etc. He had to deliver pictures on time as promised. The End! <br />Everyone understands if the person is having some issues in his life which delayed his work and I gave him more time. After I give him more time he should appreciate my understanding of his life situation because things happen to everyone and this is normal. This is the life, but it became an offensive issue of what he texted me and it might move on further on. In this case, he threatened me that he might not deliver pictures at all and we value those pictures way more and thats our right to do it. In addition he promised not to upload any pictures on the internet unless I approve! He never asked me and he still posted the picture. Even though this is his art and the pictures were made by him, he didn't have a right to upload them anywhere without asking me for permission. I'll still wait for it and hopefully he will deliver the pictures. I don't want to threaten to sue him or do something that would waste both of our times. I just want to get the pictures. If it won't happen, than we will talk in a front of third party. <br />And everyone should remember this, if you have any kind of proof of the agreement by 2 parties, E-mails, messages, conversations, screenshots, anything! Hold on to it and get what belongs to you! </p>
  3. <p>I reviewed the whole conversation. I showed it to some people, 5-5 people said that I was patient enough of how the deal was made. In the conversation was nothing mean of what I said to him at all. Delightful and happy mood before the wedding. I dont want to post the whole conversation because he might find it online this conversation as well. But Ill give you the beginning of it of how it was to show you that I did not force him and he agreed right away.<br>

    Me:<br />Hey Name! I have couple questions for you! Are you gonna be in town on July 6th? Would you like to make 100$ for several hours of easy job? <br />Photographer:<br />What's the job?<br>

    Me:<br />Be a photographer for like 5 hours? Its for my wedding :)<br />Photographer:<br />Of course I would! I've never photographed a wedding before though. If you'd rather hire someone with more experience, I'd understand.<br />Me:<br />I dont want anyone else:) I know that you like taking pictures and I would like you to do it because I know you do it well:) If you are free at that date I would appreciate your help a lot:) You'll get some experience from this and a little bit of money:) plus food is included and some very cool people are coming like Dr.Frog Dr. Butterfly, some girls will be there also :)) I think should be fun:) So if you are interested I would be very happy:) I just need to know for sure because it is very important date in my life:)<br />Photographer:<br />I will mark my calendar.<br /><br />And so on and so on. Never said anything bad and that shows that I didn't force him to get in to this! Also, in the conversation he agreed to the price and that he would be delivering pictures within 1-2 weeks. Also in our conversation he agreed not to post any of the pictures unless I approve!<br /><br />Me:<br />Wednesday works perfectly to me. What time would work the best for you and how and where should we meet? Like I said I could pick you up from somewhere and we could start from there? The only reason I said that we could transfer it to my computer because I didnt want you to work to much but if you'll do the editing and stuff like that so I wont need to do it and you can definitely keep them and you can use them for your future projects for your photography Just some of the pictures can't be posted because of the safety of other people because there might be some people from military so I wouldn't like that their identity would be posted somewhere in public or internet. Ill let you know further info about it on wednesday. Does that sound cool?<br />Photographer:<br /></p>



    <p>I wont post anything unless you approve it, I just don't want you to have to go through 3000-4000 photos. Haha. I'll edit the best ones and send you my main shots, and then I can send you any unedited shots you still want.</p>


    <p>Any time will work for me. Maybe some time around when the ceremony will be taking place so I can get an idea of what the light will be like.<br /><br />So he even agreed not to post any of the pictures unless I approve it! Guess what he did, he posts couple pictures of me and my wife without me approving it!!! <br /><br />In any part of conversation I haven't used any bad language words, any of statements that could offend him or anything like that! <br /><br />In addition, he hasn't worked even for 3 hours, the wedding helper agreed on the timing that he worked less than even 2 hours! Conversation shows that I never forced him, and I offered to transfer pictures to my computer right after the wedding. And I paid him right away and he took the money. As well he agreed to deliver our pictures in 1-2 weeks in a front of my wife! The deal was made and he agreed on it!!! It wasn't even like I said in the beginning.. Sorry for the confusion.. Than in the end I gave him more time that he asked for! And than more time after ME asking Hey Name, How is it going with pictures? :) No response for 2 days... I repeated the same thing without smile.. Never got response... Than like I said before he responded to my wife that the pictures are ready and we can pick them up at any time. She tried to ask him when we can come by, and he again never responded back. So I got his cell and said like this..<br /><br />ME:<br />Hey name, my wife told me that the pictures are ready so Im wondering when we could pick them up.. <br />Do you guys see anything mean in this message above? <br />Photographer:<br />Now Im on vacation etc. etc. and I dont respond well to rude messages..

    <br />Never said anything rude.. After that I asked same questions about pictures that I want to know when I possibly could get them because our families are getting on us! So than he offended all the sides! And how not to be mean for this guy? But I kept calm explaining everything.. And instead of getting his explanations I got rude answers and he was calling me a Jackass for him being rude to me basically! but stating that Im being rude to him.. I Never said anything rude.. Than he threatens not give the pictures at all.. <br />Thats how I ended it and I asked that maybe my wife would be able to talk to him. We will see where we stand today. Im sorry that I can't give the whole conversation there are some important details about our agreement that I want to keep for the lawyer next week because it will be not just the case for the pictures but some things more. Im going to get a legal advice next week, and if you could provide me with some more information based on of what I gave you already, I would very appreciate it! Thank you! </p><br />

  4. <p>Good evening everyone,<br>

    I have a big of a problem dealing with unpro photographer.. I attended college with a person that I asked to take the pictures of my wedding. In the beginning he seemed to be a cool guy and I saw how hard he was trying to get everyone to work in the college. I knew that he has some of the equipment to take some good shots and I saw that he made some good ones on his facebook webpage (several). I made an offer for him texting him on Facebook if he would be interested to make an easy 100$ in 3 hours. He asked whats the job so I said it right away to take pictures of my wedding. He said he has never taken any pictures of the wedding and he is not experienced enough to do so. I said that it doesnt matter to me, I just need this event to be photographed that my wife and I could remember it and we could send out some pictures to her family and my family whom couldn't attend the wedding because it happened in another side of the world (US, California). I said I just need to take the pictures, I dont need editing because I didnt want to put more work on his head because the guy is working 40 hours at the starbucks to make a living for himself. So I decided to give him an opportunity to make some additional money. At the beginning he didnt want to do it because he was scared of it and he wasn't experienced enough but again I repeated myself that it doesn't matter how its gonna go for him because he is not a pro and I just need someone to take the pictures and because he has some of the equipment he could just take the shots and it doesn't matter how its gonna turn out. I also said that it will be a great experience for him to develop his photography skills since he never took any of the wedding shots. So finally he agreed on it. We set up the time that we could go to the place to practice for a little bit, I said I expect only one shot that I wanted to be specific on because the place was by the fountain with palm trees with a view to the mountains and the rest of them would be good as he'll get. So we met that day, he practiced for a little bit just to see of what he can get out of it and we were done till the wedding date. I said I could edit the pictures by myself but he refused it because thats his work and he wants to do everything or at least a part of it and I repeated myself again that even RAW material will satisfy my needs and I wont touch it. He agreed on facebook to this also. In addition, some people from the college were coming there too and I told him that you are coming as a friend also because we know many people who are attending the wedding and he can also coming to have fun. He also agreed on it. The wedding went smooth, he took in my opinion around 1000 photos ( I know for sure that it was a lot of them). After the wedding was done I gave him a 100$ and he said he will let me know when he will be ready. He also said that he'll edit some of them and the rest of them he will give me unedited in the cd or he'll transfer it to USB flash drive. After a day I asked him on facebook his opinion of how long it will take to do some pictures? He said that it will take him 1-2 weeks to do the work. After a day he posted 1 picture with me and my wife eating a cake which turned out to be a beautiful picture and I was very excited to see more. I text him after 2 weeks how is he doing with pictures, he answered to me like this...... Hey I had concerts for 2 weeks so he barely did some work... I said I understand, but when I can expect them because I have to say something to my family because everyone is keep asking to me about the pictures... He said I need some more time... Well I was like its okey, its just 2 weeks and he was busy so Ill text him after a week.. A week later... I text him the same thing, Hey Name, how is it going with pictures? He didn't respond... I repeated myself after a day... Hey Name, How is it going with pictures? He answered... Man Im working 40 hours a week I have to make money for myself to eat... I was in shock... I just ask how is it going with pictures and he is answering to me the whole story of his life... After a week again I texted the same thing... Because its been more than 5 weeks... no response... I repeated myself again... no response...So I told my wife to text him... She asked the same thing.. Finally he responded on Facebook, Hey, the pictures are ready. Some of them are ready and edited and everything else is a RAW material we can somehow meet up and you can pick them up at any time. So my wife asked him about the time and the place where we could meet to get them... After this message never got a response... After couple days I got his number and I texted him on his cellphone, Hey Name, when can we pick up the pictures because my wife told me that they are ready and he was dealing mainly with me but he responded to her and I just want to know when can we pick them up... The guy responded like this... Now Im on vacation so Im looking for the best way to give them to you and I dont respond well to rude messages.. What did I say so rude? There was nothing at all what possibly even would sound rude.. I said what kind of best way? Because we need them to make an albums for guests and families and they are bugging us so bad because my wives family is a bit interesting and her mom is picking on us so I just want to know... He answered to me like this... So you have to pick good people in your life... Than I said you know what? You are rude and I want to get of what we agreed on and because I paid for it right after the wedding! He said like this, if you'll be rude there is nothing preventing not to give you the pictures at all... Now I'm lost at all... I didn't even respond... Im just missing words and I dont know what should I do... I have the whole conversation on facebook of what we agreed on but there was no written contract... Only facebook conversation and (verbal, oral) agreement in a front of my wife. She read all the messages and there was nothing rude of what I said just all the time wondering about when he will be done with pictures! Is Facebook conversation is enough to sue him? And show that he was very disrespectful to my families? I didnt repeat exactly of what he said but it was so mean and offensive and in the end of the conversation over the cellphone he said there is nothing preventing not to give pictures at all... Is enough for the proof to prove that there was an oral agreement? And get my wedding pictures? They are so important because we also have to go through immigration process and they will be asking for the pictures as well... The stress that he is giving to us... Offended both families by saying mean things like you have to pick right people in your life? (which doesn't make sense at all because how can you pick families?) Please give some kind of advice that would work to grab his ass and prove that he is completely wrong and that we could get the pictures :(<br /><br /></p>

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