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Image Comments posted by kyorston

  1. This is a lovely scene - some of the lights are a little blown out - you may get a better result if you reduced the time exposure slightly. The reciprocity failure rate is very hard to predict from one film to another - maybe bracketing will give you a better idea of required exposure time.

    DC puddle

    Anatoly, the previous comment is correct - great eye! As photographers we need to be always on the lookout for these images - so often we just look 'through' puddles or windows and don't see the reflection.


    Josh, Good on you for going against your 'norm'. I love the content - did you take any other shots of this, at slightly different angles? I'd love to see the corner of the construction emerge from exactly the bottom right hand corner of the frame.

    hangin' tough...

    I'd like to see you do a series of images that had the same 'feel' - this looks as if it was dredged out of a creek. There must be a wealth of similar stuff out there. The background is perfect.
  2. Helen, you've managed to get a wide range of focus in this shot - the eyes of both geese are quite sharp - it's just a pity that you didn't stand back a little further so that you could include the legs and tail feathers of the bird in the foreground, because it would have made the image so much more attractive. Well done for the detail.

    The Fan


    Baseball is not the most popular sport in Australia, so when I

    ventured out to capture its fans, I struggled. Does this image tell

    enough of that story?

  3. A careful crop would have made this image so much better. The horizon is a little crooked, and there is the beginning of a sign on the right hand side. And I'm dying to know what the horizontal limb off the dark construction is connected to.


    I love this shot, but I think it could benefit from a tighter crop, to reduce the space at the bottom of the image, and maybe photoshop out the shadow on the left.

    The miner's boy

    It's a warts-and-all portrait of a grubby little boy - as most little boys are. And I think the background adds to the mood. I'd like to see a little more detail in his eyes - maybe a touch of dodging.

    studio portrait


    Subtle studio lighting was used here, with a white background, to

    get a 'natural lighting' look. I think that the sepia toning adds

    to the 'natural' look. No digital enhancement has been used. I

    would appreciate any comments or criticisms.

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