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Posts posted by abhishek_singh8

  1. Hello,


    We will be flying for Upper Peninsula of Michigan for fall color + landcape photography. I am etting confused for correct time for good color. Trying to gather information, but seems some conflict in local websites.


    When Michigan's fall colors will peak in 2017

    Above website says :-

    Sept. 17 - Best week for U.P. foliage

    Sept. 24 - Best week for Charlevoix

    Oct. 1 - Best week to travel M-22


    While below website says that third week of September should be good for Upper Peninsula

    Fall colors could peak early in Wisconsin this year


    I will be flying on any weekend. If somebody can suggest me good time, it would be very helpful for me to decide and bool flights.


    Thanks n advance.

  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    I will be planning to do a big round trip covering Bavaria, Tuscany, Dolomites and Austria (Vienna) in third week of October. Will it be good time to photograph these places ?<br />I am interested to taking pictures of landscapes and nature. Will these places (specially Bavaria alps, Tuscany and Dolomites) be as vibrant as in spring or I will find these places as brown/muddy color ?<br />Any more suggestions please, if I need to cover ? I am in very initial phase of planning, so there is scope of changing my route and places. I will have around 15 days, so have plenty of time. I will rent car, so that I can go by my flexi-time and off-freeway.<br>


  3. <p>I have Panasonic G5 with its kit lenses (14-42mm and 45-145mm) and will be travelling in next few days with family. I got it recently and I am quite new for camera and photography.<br />It is personal choice, but it will be helpful to set it quickly for travel purpose and clicking my family pictures outside if experts can suggest me for Fn buttons and Fuction Lever.<br />There are 5 function buttons and a Function Lever on this camera. Please suggest what fuctions are SUGGESTED for 5 functions and Function Lever.</p>
  4. <p>Ok. I will go with your suggestions and would like to buy CPL. I have few more questions on this.<br />My Panasonic G5 which had kit lens of 14-42mm (G Vario 1:3.5-5.6/14-42 ASPH) and 45-140mm (G Vario 1:40.0-5.6/45-150 ASPH).<br />Please help me buying correct and worthy filter for my lens, specially for my travel purpose. I have few questions<br />1) As per my lens sizes, which filter size, I should choose ? 52mm or 62mm or something else ?<br />2) I was reading about filters and found that Hoya filters are good, but there are many. Can somebody suggest me, which one should I go for ?<br />3) Normal CPL should be ok or should I go for B+W CPL ?</p>
  5. <p>Thanks Starvy for reply.<br>

    I am still learning it. I tried HDR/Bracketing multiple times and everytime, it seems it shakes and give me pictures with blurred edges. May be, I am not handling it correctly.<br>

    I take your point that Tripod may be optional. Should I go for any filter ?</p>


    <p>I am a newbie in this field. I have Panasonic G5 + 14-42mm + 45-140mm+small lowpro bag, which is suffient for my camera and both lenses. I am going to Travel Grand Canyon+Antelope+Vegas+Coral Pink Sand Dunes+Kelso Dunes in this month end.<br>

    Most of the time in my travel, I will have lot of light due to desert and clean sunny climate. I am planning to take a basic, light weighted tripod.<br>

    I was checking on Tripods. Below url is for Slik Compact II Tripod. Will it have subject to vibration, as this is light weighted ? Others recommended tripds seems to be out of my budget.<br /><a href="http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Slik-Compact-II-Tripod-/99337475#alurl-/ctg/Slik-Compact-II-Tripod-/99337475?rt=nc&_dmpt=US_Tripods&_pcategid=30093&_pcatid=772&_pdpal=1&_sgz=1&_trksid=p5360.c0.m312&LH_BIN=1-state-15_bin_qqq_qqq">http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Slik-Compact-II-Tripod-/99337475#alurl-/ctg/Slik-Compact-II-Tripod-/99337475?rt=nc&_dmpt=US_Tripods&_pcategid=30093&_pcatid=772&_pdpal=1&_sgz=1&_trksid=p5360.c0.m312&LH_BIN=1-state-15_bin_qqq_qqq</a><br>

    I have LUMIX G Vario 14-42mm lens and H-FS45150K 45-150mm Lumix G Series Lens, which came with this camera as kit.<br>

    Should I consider some like Hoya 52mm (HMC UV / Circular Polarizer / Warm) ? Here is URL - <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Hoya-Circular-Polarizer-Introduction-Filter/dp/B000WVGR9U/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1377021446&sr=1-4&keywords=Hoya+kit+52mm">http://www.amazon.com/Hoya-Circular-Polarizer-Introduction-Filter/dp/B000WVGR9U/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1377021446&sr=1-4&keywords=Hoya+kit+52mm</a><br>

    Or some individual filter or something else, I will require for my travel ?</p>


  7. <p>Mark, there is no book for this specific model, I tried finding on Amazon and other places. Yes, I got some good reviews for "Understanding Exposure", if I want to learn it from basics. Is Guide more helpful for a beginner ?<br>

    JC, yes this is complicated camera :-) . If you also have G5, would you mind telling me, what custom settings you keep on yoiur camera ? I am basically looking for, what should be preferred settings on C1 and C2-1, C2-2 and C2-3 and other function buttons.</p>

  8. <p>I have P mode in Panasonic G5 dial.<br>

    Bryan Peterson's Understanding Exposure - this was recommended in few other posts also, so I was trying to see if this is having a pdf verion on net. Orelse, I will purchase it. Yes, I need to learn more on this. I am still understanding options and fuctions on my new G5</p>

  9. <p>Thanks William for your suggestion. I recently brought Panasonic G5, where I got both those lenses in deal. I hope, I didn't made a very wrong decision.<br />I really like the the effect of Shallow DOF and Deep DOF. These effects give nice look to image of Bokeh.<br>

    So any of my both lenses can give me proper effect on my Panasonic G5 ?<br>

    I do not want to carry much weight with me (that was the only reason, I didn't brought DSLR). I can sell them off on ebay (or somewhere else) to purchase better len (or both lenses).<br />Mostly I click pictures of my family, potrait and sometimes weekend trips. I am not professional, just a hobbiest who love to do experiments.<br>

    Keeping my preferences in mind, what is suggested for me ?</p>

  10. <p>Hello,<br>

    I want to get good shallow DOF on my Panasonic G5. I have kit lens ( (14-42mm + 45-140mm). How can I achieve it, what should be recommended settings on this ? Probably, owner of same kit should be able to tell me better.<br />Or do I need separate pair of lens ?<br>

    In order to answer this, if somebody need more details of object, etc., please let me know. I am newb.<br>


  11. <p>I got a very good deal from Samy for Panasonic G5 + 14-42mm + 45-140mm + 16gb sd card. Finally I am happy. Thanks to all for helping me in finalising my camera.<br>

    Need last recommendation, being newbie and my first complicated camera, is there any book (or video) specifically for G5, which can help me to learn on this? As of now I am ok with auto, but would definitely like to play to get maximum of it. As of now, I am just new to this. Still think where to use 14-42mm and where to use 45-140mm :-)</p>

  12. <p>I am excluding Sony and Pentax as of now. Thinking between G5 and E-PL5. One practical thing I noticed is, E-PL5's lcd screen is more touch-sensitive than G5, but it is always open unlike G5. If I keep it in bag, I may have fear to get it scratched with something. G5's screen can be folded inside which is always safe. Is it a valid point ?</p>
  13. <p>So, I am near to my decision now :-) I am just back from a camera store and checked various cameras there. I have narrowed down my choices to following camera.<br>

    - Panasonic G5 with 14-42mm lens is 470$. G6 looks little better but 290$ expensive then this one.<br>

    - Sony NEX-3NL/B - 500$<br>

    - Olympus E-PL5 with 14-42mm lens is 500$<br>

    - Pentax Q series. They didn't had any of Q series camera, so didn't got chance to see that.<br>

    When I asked about EOS-M, store representative said that others choosen cameras are better then EOS-M in concern of support, looks and performance. What do you suggest in these ?</p>

  14. <p>I have narrowed down my choices. And here it is what I think -<br />Panasonic G6 is not available os of now. Do we know, when it is goign to be for sale ?<br />I can see on Amazon, Panasonic DMC-G5KK is there. Are there major difference between G5 and G6, if I can go with first one ? G5 is more than 200$ lower than G6. Another question about G5/6, it doesn't have Image Stabilization. Does it make a big difference ?<br />Olympus EPL-5 - I couldn't found this in stores. Need to check out more stores to see it physically.<br />Canon EOS M - Was reading about it and few blogs say that it is having auto-focus problem. Is it true ?<br />Sony Alpha SLT-A57 - Few blogs says it is 750+ grams (which equal to usual DSLR) and some says it is lighter. Not <br />getting correct weight.<br />Above is at one category. ORELSE, I will go with Canon T3i.<br>

    What are your thoughts please ?</p>

  15. <p>Patrick - Pentax Q7 seems to be good, but it will be released after 2 months.<br>

    Wouter thanks. I visited best buy most of the time and they mostly only Canon and Nikon and few compact camera. Pentax and Plympus were not there, so I was relying on pictures and reviews on blogs. May be I need to check more stores.</p>

  16. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I m not a professional photographer, but I love to click photos. I have been using my Lumix point and shoot from past 3 years. Now I want to change it and willing to upgrade it. I have been reading lot of posts on internet and somewhat confused about, what should be better for me.<br />I would have love to take DSLR, but only reason which is pushing me back is its bulkyness and weight.<br>

    My preferences will be --<br />- I love to travel and really walk for long sometimes. I will go for non-dslr's if I can get same image quality in them.<br />- My photography will not be in sports/actions or it doesn't require very fast capturing.<br />- I would definitely like to have some control on fuctions and can play and experiment with them.<br />- Much of time, I will be clicking landscpaes, family, gathering, mountains, desearts, so it means a bit of everything.<br />- Occassionally will shoot video also and expect it to be good.<br />- I may not go beyond 750$.<br />- Not sure, if I plan to choose a photography class sometime later, will it require to have DSLR ?<br />- Wifi, GPS not required.<br>

    Apart from DLSR's, MILC and M43 are also impressing me. Currently I was looking at Panasonic G6 and also Canon 100D. Except Canon 100D, all DSLR's will be weighting atleast 760 grams.<br />Sony Alpha SLT series, Olympus PM2 and Sony NEX6 are also in my list to choose from.<br>

    I am new to this field and so many reviews posts confused me. I would really appreciate if experts can suggest me what would be better according to my preferences. Hope I am clear in, what I expect.<br />Once I get some suggestions for few cameras, I will narrow down my list and read more on them.<br>

    Regards<br />Abhishek</p>

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