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Posts posted by rob_beiter

  1. <blockquote>

    <p>Will "mirror-less cameras take some market share from dslrs? Sure. will one completely supplant the other. Unlikely.</p>


    <p>Very well said. Thanks to everyone who joined in on this conversation I have a much better understanding now and personally I think the DSLRs are going to be the system I buy into based on what I need. I am now confident that I am not going to be buying into outdated technology. </p>

  2. <p>I am going to spend a maximum of $1000 total to get started, I plan to invest more on lenses as time goes on and needs arise. The camera I am looking at costs roughly $600 and comes with a kit lens. Then accessories such as flash, memory card, tripod, microphone, case, covers, cleaning kit, etc. I am kind of lucky when it comes to portraits / product shots because I work for a video production company, and I have access to portable lighting kits.<br>

    Edit: I have looked at some tilt shift lens from lensbaby and they look really cool.</p>

  3. <p>Ok since many have requested more info on my own shooting, and I have found my general advice I will elaborate. On a professional / commercial level I would like to do product shots, portraits, and some architecture shots for businesses in my area. These photos will generally only be displayed via the web. On a hobby level In general I haven't found my style yet so I will likely shoot a little of everything until I find something I want to focus on. I like landscapes, portraits, and live action. I also plan to use the camera for light video production. Nothing commercial just personal projects and hobby stuff.</p>
  4. <p>The assertions I present are not my own, they are as I said opinions I found in articles while researching online. My questions goal was to get other opinions on this topic. As for what I need I was merely referencing what one or two articles have suggested. I have defined my needs in another thread and since then have made my own choices. During further research it was suggested that DSLRs are outdated and someone new to photography should look to buy a mirrorless camera instead. I wanted more opinions not necessarily based on my individual needs but ones based on the out look of cameras in general.<br>

    Link related to topic<br /> <a href="http://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2012-08/dont-buy-dslr">http://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2012-08/dont-buy-dslr</a></p>

    <p>Edit: </p>


    <p>Don't get too caught up in media articles saying what the future will be or telling you what to do. The future will sort itself out. Concentrate on what you need now and learn what specific camera systems/models can do. Then pick one.<br>



    <p>I guess your right, it doesn't really matter what I buy as long as it works for me, but I was curious on the outlook of camera models.</p>

  5. <p>I am strongly considering buying the Sony Alpha a58 to begin a serious adventure into photography and videography. In my research however I have come across a few articles that say not to buy a DSLR (or DSLT if its worth distinguishing) because the newer "mirrorless" cameras such as the Sony Alpha NEX-6 are smaller and do just as good a job for what I will need. <br>


    To sum up, should I still be considering DSLRs at all, and are "mirrorless" cameras really the future of photography?</p>

  6. <p>That is a very good point, they are just the 3 main brands I came across while google searching what dslr camera to buy and what a few co-workers suggested. Also they are all in my price range. I needed to narrow down the playing field so I could give my family some options as this will be a birthday gift. I don't plan to buy until August (my birthday) so I will definitely check some of these other makes and models out as well.<br /><br />I am pretty sure any of these will suit me ok, the differences seem to be subtle as long as I can shoot video and take photos for my web projects I will be pretty happy until I get more involved.</p>
  7. <p>Wow thank you all for the great advice. As a newbe in the photo / video world I was really torn and I think you helped me decide. Video is important to me as are photos for websites. I am a web developer by trade, and I work for an ad agency. We always outsource photo shoots for clients and it gets expensive when we only needed the photos for a web project. So I am looking to start photography as a hobby as well as for work. I will deff be hanging around here as well since I got such great feedback.</p>

    <p>Thank you all again.</p>

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