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Everything posted by eyal_hirsh

  1. <p>Re. the deal, I met the photographer in his plush penthouse apartment. We spoke about gear and whatnot, and he showed me what else he was shooting with:<br /><br />Nikon DF, Sig 35MM F...<br /> Sony RX1<br /> Sony Rx100<br /> Leica M9, 50 mm F...<br /> Leica M 240 and 35mm f...</p> <p>all of which were nice cameras. I was grateful to have had an opportunity to handle them (Oh, so that's a Leica- blush) as I live kinda in the sticks. <br> IMO, the Nikon was a beast, HUGE and heavy (not unappealing but not for me); the Leica's were also heavy. but I always enjoyed the rangefinder focus system; and the Sony, small and .. well, the RX1 was unable to focus on the guy. I actually gave up, and said politely, "Yeah, it's a nice camera", before putting it back down. <br> Anyway, those are my thoughts on what's out there. That said, I love my purchases. No regrets.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks, Andy! I know, right. Now I have to lurk on P.net to find a suitable bag</p>
  3. <p>After way too much online research I have finally purchased what I believe is a camera system that will meet my street and documentary photography needs.</p> <p>Having recently purchased a Fuji X20 and having taken Eric's comment to my last post to heart <a href="/bboard/Whiskey%20Bar">http://www.photo.net/digital-camera-forum/00cd0w</a>, I spotted an ad for a used X100 + Lensmate thumbgrip, Fuji hood, spare battery and extra charger for $750, a great deal here in Israel. The camera had been serviced to address the SAB problem (I have documentation from the local Fuji service centre) and it functions fine.</p> <p>My plan is to use them together when on assignment or just travelling in general; or separately depending on how much fun I want to have on any particular excursion. The high-ISO performance of the x100 alongside the fast AF of the X20 - and their commonality in terms of handling, controls and post-processing of Fuji RAW files; means I have a well-rounded system capable of meeting just about any scenario.</p> <p>I'd like to thank members like Ralph Oshiro, eric arnold, Bruce Rubenstein, Brad, Dieter Schaefer, Leslie, Wouter and so many others who have shared their wisdom and experience on this site - much appreciated guys!</p> <p>In closing I'd like to quote a certain Ms Hagen:<br /><br />In L.A., C.A. one four thirty seven seven seven<br />I've got a direct line to Heaven<br />Hey baby baby, heaven number seven seven seven<br />I'm in Ekstasy</p>
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