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Posts posted by eyal_hirsh

  1. <p>I must say when I saw the headline I thought, "Great, Nikon has introduced three new fixed lens cameras - with 24/1.8; 50/1.8 and 85/1.8 primes!!! Wow, let's check it out... <br>

    And hey, I was a little underwhelmed, but I have become intrigued as to what they have to offer. On paper, the 18-50 could easily replace a number of cameras thanks to its AF and what looks to be a very good lens (here's hoping). That includes my ageing X100, my long-since shelved Canon G9; and I believe it is miles better than the other mirrorless cameras I have tried out in the past: NEX-7 & G3.<br>

    My D300, on the other hand will probably be replaced by the D7200. </p>

  2. <p>No offense Jim, and thank you for your advice; and the compliment. However, it seems as if this forum is dead in the water.<br /><br />The only person to comment on my desire for purchasing a Leica product on a Leica forum suggested I stick with Fuji. <br /><br />Maybe everyone else here is too busy taking photos to comment... </p>
  3. <p>I'm considering buying one of these for use as a daily street/travel shooter to replace my Fuji X100, a camera I have never quite managed to fall for. <br /><br />Are there any X-E shooters in this forum and would you care to comment?<br /><br />Thanks</p>
  4. <p>Thanks Andrew. Yes, the A7 is out of budget, not to mention the A7s, D7100, 7d ii... <br /><br />I am a stills guy. Never done video before, so I don't know if AF is an issue or not. And if the camera sensor is good enough, can a F3/5 aperture be sufficient in low light? I have no idea. <br>

    Lens-wise, yeah, Sony do not have it together. Some gems, but I can get those for less if I shoot the Nikon equivalent. <br>

    But I can see there is a need for video shooters (esp in Israel, particularly in news there's a dearth of cameramen) so why not?<br /><br /><br /></p>

  5. <p>Hi<br /><br />I'm wondering of anyone on this forum knows which is better in low light in terms of noise and AF accuracy, the D5300 or the Sony A6000?<br>

    I know this is the Nikon forum and I have shot the brand for years hence my post here.<br>

    Here's the background:</p>


    My company asked if I would be interested in shooting some video and stills of their tours. We offer Extreme Sports tours (Spelunking, Rock Climbing, Bungee, Rappelling, Water Sports etc) to tourists visiting Israel. <br /><br />Looking at the content at my work I need a camera that:



    <li>shoots video and stills in low light (caves & bars), from about 24mm to 35mm (DX equivalent) and; </li>

    <li>shoots video and stills, wide to telephoto, in bright middle-eastern light</li>

    <li>Allows me to shoot & reproduce paintings for prints and website use (<strong>completely separate project</strong> but it's something I get asked to do from time to time so macro capabilities are important)</li>



    These will be used on our website and for emails to promo extreme sports tours to prospective customers on sites like Vimeo, Youtube and Facebook. So we are not talking Red Bull quality here!


    I realise to get pro results you need pro gear, including the necessary lighting, but they are not paying me for this (I earn an hourly min wage to write emails to customers and suppliers, seo and social media marketing) but I will do what I can to raise my skill levels and add to my portfolio and then apply for a decent job. And yes, I have gear lust and money coming in via a tax return so this purchase will also benefit me.

    <br /> I already own:<br />


    <li>Sony Nex 7, Sig 30 and charger/ car charger.</li>

    <li>Nikon 35G, 18-55 VR II <strong>(sold my D300, flash and lenses months ago to cover my rent when I was between jobs ...)</strong></li>

    <li>Canon G9<strong><br /></strong></li>




    <p>Price-wise the most I can afford is around 5000 shekels ($1250) and for that I can get:</p>


    <li>D5300, 18-55 kit (the new lens - its optimised for video, right?) and maybe another lens</li>

    <li>Sony A6000, 16-50, 55-210</li>

    <li>Sony RX10 which is absurdly overpriced but maybe it's really worth it?</li>

    <li>Canon 7D Mk i body only ...</li>


    <p>Also I need to consider a tripod, microphone and headphones, extra media cards...<br /><br />On a personal level I anticipate using my kit for travel, street, portraits, repro and gig (bar bands) photography. <br /><br />Thanks for any advice. I hope I made myself clear. Any questions, please please ask. <br /><br />Eyal</p>

  6. <p>Ugh, it's my first shoot for this magazine. I sent them a mix of NEF and RAF files. The former they don't have a problem with but it's no go with the Fuji format files. <br /><br />I have requested an alternative format and they said, "Oh, convert them to NEF" but I do not think that is possible.<br /> Now it's after 5pm in South Africa and they have not got back to me and I'm wondering what to do. <br /><br />I've considered converting them to DNG but I'm not sure that would be suitable. I can view and edit them in Lightroom, DXO, CaptureOne and even Picasa so...<br /><br />Any suggestions? I want to get the job done and uploaded to dropbox overnight to save time.<br /><br />TIA<br /><br />- Eyal</p>
  7. <p>Re. the deal, I met the photographer in his plush penthouse apartment. We spoke about gear and whatnot, and he showed me what else he was shooting with:<br /><br />Nikon DF, Sig 35MM F...<br /> Sony RX1<br /> Sony Rx100<br /> Leica M9, 50 mm F...<br /> Leica M 240 and 35mm f...</p>

    <p>all of which were nice cameras. I was grateful to have had an opportunity to handle them (Oh, so that's a Leica- blush) as I live kinda in the sticks. <br>

    IMO, the Nikon was a beast, HUGE and heavy (not unappealing but not for me); the Leica's were also heavy. but I always enjoyed the rangefinder focus system; and the Sony, small and .. well, the RX1 was unable to focus on the guy. I actually gave up, and said politely, "Yeah, it's a nice camera", before putting it back down. <br>

    Anyway, those are my thoughts on what's out there. That said, I love my purchases. No regrets.</p>

  8. <p>After way too much online research I have finally purchased what I believe is a camera system that will meet my street and documentary photography needs.</p>

    <p>Having recently purchased a Fuji X20 and having taken Eric's comment to my last post to heart <a href="/bboard/Whiskey%20Bar">http://www.photo.net/digital-camera-forum/00cd0w</a>, I spotted an ad for a used X100 + Lensmate thumbgrip, Fuji hood, spare battery and extra charger for $750, a great deal here in Israel. The camera had been serviced to address the SAB problem (I have documentation from the local Fuji service centre) and it functions fine.</p>

    <p>My plan is to use them together when on assignment or just travelling in general; or separately depending on how much fun I want to have on any particular excursion. The high-ISO performance of the x100 alongside the fast AF of the X20 - and their commonality in terms of handling, controls and post-processing of Fuji RAW files; means I have a well-rounded system capable of meeting just about any scenario.</p>

    <p>I'd like to thank members like Ralph Oshiro, eric arnold, Bruce Rubenstein, Brad, Dieter Schaefer, Leslie, Wouter and so many others who have shared their wisdom and experience on this site - much appreciated guys!</p>

    <p>In closing I'd like to quote a certain Ms Hagen:<br /><br />In L.A., C.A. one four thirty seven seven seven<br />I've got a direct line to Heaven<br />Hey baby baby, heaven number seven seven seven<br />I'm in Ekstasy</p>

  9. <p>Heh; I've handled the X100 and RX100. The former felt great; I just popped it into my pouch alongside my tablet and was good to go. <br /><br />The latter, was like a P&S on steroids and it wasn't that easy to gain manual control of. The friend whose camera the RX100 was, shot it with me alongside my D300 and 35/1.8 and the results were pretty close in low light. So... but like it's smaller...<br>

    @Michael They did offer me the EM-10 when I was there. Included the kit zoom... yes my 1st two SLRs were OMs...<br>

    I have the NEX-7. I should have clarified that. It was my mirrorless test camera; I'm just wondering to invest in glass for that + a zoomy P&S for daily carry. Or the RX10 and chuck everything else - argh!<br /><br />@Louis; I live in Israel so it's all expensive. I just have to decide if I want to bend over or lie down to take the needle!<br /><br />@David, I'll get back to you on that one :)</p>

  10. <p>It's been a while since I bought a camera; and at least 6 months since I decided it was time to upgrade and sell / trade in my D300, lenses etc. for something smaller, with decent AF, and better high ISO, for street and travel.<br>

    FINALLY I have the money - woohoo.</p>

    <p>I did my research, pored over EXIF data, made my lists, concluded I like Sony following a trial with an NEX-7, and I walked into the store, pulled up my shopping list on my tablet & ... froze.</p>

    <p>What to buy? </p>


    <li>Sony RX10 + 20/2.8 for the NEX-7; (Wife slaughters me... YOU'RE (whack!) NOT (wham!) A PHOTOJOURNALIST (bonk!))</li>

    <li>Sony RX100 + 20/2.8 for the NEX-7; or</li>

    <li>The heck with Sony; buy a Fuji X100 (ya know ya wanna) and a Canon S120</li>


    <p>And I just couldn't decide. <br>

    I LIKE the N7. Like the way it handles; like the colour; value the EVF, but the AF is ... odd. Maybe that's cos of the Sig 30mm lens, I dunno. <br>

    The rest, it's a matter of money and I am not sure what to do. I do know that all three options are in a similar ballpark price-wise (plus a "bit extra" for the RX10).</p>


    <li>The RX10 appeals because I do shoot the occasional wedding or barmitzvah; and as a freelance writer I am invited to events or conduct interviews so it's a one-lens solution. And it shares a battery with the NEX so...<strong> But it's BIG so how often will I take it out? </strong></li>

    <li>The RX100 is good too, and small, so<strong> it's more likely to make it out the door with me on a daily basis, but can it hack it in a pro-scenario?</strong></li>

    <li>And the X100 is <strong>my key to enter the local hipsters-in-the-forest community... </strong></li>


    <p>So I put it off until tomorrow. Anyone want to share tips on how to get over this buyer's block of mine?</p>


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