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Posts posted by jo_byrd

  1. <p>I have had this same problem since purchasing the camera on Dec. 31, 2012. I've used various brands and mg-sizes of SD cards with the same issue. Since I shoot wildlife, I have missed several one-of-a-kind shots because of this, and am very frustrated with the camera as a result. Otherwise, it's a great camera, much faster then my old D70, but my trusty D70 NEVER MISSED A SHOT. <br>

    Any updates on this before I take it back to the camera shop? (I'm in a rural area, so I have not been able to take it back before now.)</p>

  2. <p>I have had this same issue since buying my camera on Dec. 31, 2012. Reseating the card generally alleviates the issue temporarily, but as I shoot wildlife I have missed many a valuable one-time shot. I'm going to take in to the camera shop where I bought it this week to see if they can offer any help. </p>
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