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Posts posted by sergey___

  1. Hello,

    What can You say about Agfa BW negativ films for 4x5?

    Are there disadvantages in comparison with others?

    The price are lower then for Ilford or Kodak.

    I have tried Tmax400, Tri-X, and some Delta 400.

    Tri-X is very nice for me but about 60% more expencive then Agfa.

    T-Max also more expencive and needs more careful treatment.

    Ilford 4x5 films are rare in my region (Germany/Russia).

    So I am going to use Agfa in all future, mostly for portrets.

    Which developer will be the best for grain/speed/price?

    Best Wishes.


  2. Hello,

    Could You say, which type of Polaroid is more usefull and convinient?

    I plan to use it for cheking focus and exposure in 4x5, and no plan to use Quickloads in 545.

    It looks like that packfilms 405 are cheaper about 2x then 545, and packfilms are easier to handle.

    Excuse me for spelling,

    Best Wishes.

  3. Hello,

    Have You any experience with reversing of normal lens for close up, like it is in small and medium format?

    I tried to make close ups with Apo-Sironar_N 150, but it looks like it drops quickly in image quality at scales over 0.3.

    Special lenses is too expensive for my case.

    Can You recommend any close-up diopters for this?

    Best Wishes.


  4. Hello,

    You can ask information directly from Linhoff plant:


    About one year ago it was about 8e3DM for body, about 1.5e3..2.5e3DM

    for each lens (Schneider/Rodenstok , multicoated), and about 1.2e3DM

    for each back insert (6x7,6x9,.. ), and all of this plus 16% MWS, plus

    about 100/200DM for post. So, for 20000DM=12000$ you will have a new

    equipment. You can also by a 4x5 Technica for practically the same

    price. By the way,

    It seems to be a very, very much for step in LF.

    Best Wishes.


    PS: If You are in Russia, I have a question:

    What is the situation now with LF films in Russia? Where to find

    and how much to pay? Where to develop color films?

  5. Hello,

    It can be, that T&S in small format may be very nice,

    even with some advantages against LF. (But I can not be sure)

    You can see some comments on my earlier question (Landscape and Wind).

    In connection with it:

    What is the price for 24/2.8...90/2.8 TSE?

    May be it will be more expensive then good, new 4x5 set?

    Best Wishes.


  6. Thank You for the answers!

    I will try to bloor.

    As for LF: I have some experience with it, and with 150mm lens at 4x5

    I found, that can not use aperture larger then about f11 even with

    tilt, becouse of small DOF. That is particulary source of question.

    May be Tilt/Shift with wide lenses in small format and big aperture

    can help more. (I can assume that DOF is proportional 1/f^2 for the

    same circles of confusion, isn't it?).

    By the way. Thank You for the answers.

    Best Wshes.


  7. Hello,

    The problem is to make a landscape with wegetation when the weather is

    windy. At place, where I live now, there is a wind practically all the


    What do you do in such a case?:

    Larg aperture? fast film? Or skip this landscape?

    Suppose that light is very nice.(and therefore not midday-bright)




    Excuse me for bad English.

    Best Wishes.


  8. Thank You All very much for good answers!

    Now I practically agree to go for Bender. But is it really better (in

    time and money and relsut) to buy (from over the ocean) and build kit

    than to build from rough materials with own construction? I have some

    enginer experience for design.




    Best Wishes.

  9. Hello,

    It is a question from beginner in LF.

    The problem is that I would like to have a light and compact 4x5 camera with most of movements. Currently I use old Voigtlander with home-made spring back and modified front to allow all movements on front. It is very compact and very light (~1kg), but my front-standart is not precise and not very rigid. So, I think about something better but under 1000DM (~620US$). The main difficult is that here in Hamburg there are no good chanses to find new or used LF for field, most closest is Linhoff

    for many $$$.

    Mr. Bender propose his 4x5 set + bag bellow for 342.5$ (~600DM) include post.




    1.Is it good to use in the field and travel(Lanscapes, Architecture, Close Up.. with 150mm and may be with 120/210 )?

    2.How does the international money order work and how long will I wait for post?

    3.Is there something other?




    Best Wishes,

    Excuse me for bad English.

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