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Posts posted by peter_mechels

  1. In the telephoto area, do you want a fixed focal length lens or a zoom that goes out in the longer range ?


    I think zoom would be better than fixed focal length because if I find a picture that is a little closer than a fixed could

    handle, I could still take the picture.



    When you say, "macro" do you need it to be a TRUE macro lens, which means it will go down to a 1:1 image or just one

    that can get rather close-up ? Ones that go down to 1:1 are going to be more specialized and come with a specialized

    price, if you know what I mean.


    I think closer would be better, but I don't need something that can see the etching in the point of a pencil.


    Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I will be looking into each lens you suggest!

  2. I guess I want really clear with that comment, what I was saying is that not all lenses are going to work the best for this

    camera. Ideally I would like an auto focus lens, but when it comes to it, I could probably make due. As for my budget, I'd

    be in it for a $400 macro and telephoto lens. I'm in college right now, I'm not exactly made of money haha.


    And thanks for the info!



    I can save up a little more if there was one within the 400-600 range, I just would have to save up longer.

  3. I'm interested in macro photography, but other than that it just really depends on the day. It's more of a hobby for me, so I

    don't think I could narrow it down to just one type of photography.


    I know that is not the helpful answer but It would be a lie if i narrowed it down any further than that.


    I just know so little about lenses that I really cannot choose it on my own, so any help at all would be appreciated.



    Currently I only have the AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm lens that came with the camera. It's nice for an all purpose but now I'm interested in something with a little more oomph if you know what I mean.

  4. Hello, I am a relatively new photographer. I took a photo class in high school, but we never talked much about SLR cameras. After a year

    away from it I recently got back into photography and I bought a Nikon D3200 and I am in love with it! There is just one thing I have on my

    mind now. Up until just recently I had this idea in my mind that any lens could be slapped on the end of a camera and it would work!

    Obviously I was mistaken. Now here I am wondering what lenses i could get for my camera that are compatible with it, because I really

    don't want to get a high quality lens and find out that it doesn't work with it.


    I am in the market for a nice macro and telephoto lens.

    Could anyone help a novice in need?

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