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Posts posted by ivan_zugaj

  1. <p>To answer Russ - I goggled first too; I foud only something for Pentax 67, as I said. And for JDM - I am aware of cropping possibility, it is easy, good and practical sollution, . . . but I have to put this question on forum - many people knows much more than one individual, particulary me as a new one in the field of Fuji middle format. I suppose there are experts in this matter which perhaps might know something about. Thanks anyway!</p>
  2. <p>Thanks on response and Your opinion on digital vs film (or "analog")! Why I need teleconverter - only to get high focal lenght (regardless of shooting speed) and more freedom in composing details in, let´s say, distant subjects. It´s often required in some situations! </p>
  3. <p>Hello friends,<br>

    A few months ago I obtained FUJI GX 680 camera with five lenses (65 mm - 250 mm) and some other equipment for it. As I am going bacward - from digital to analog, I am still practicing with a new gear. My question is, maybe anybody knows, if there exist any possibility of using some kind of teleconverter lens which could be applied on 180 mm f3.2, or 250 mm f5,6 lens ?!. I saw there are some for Pentax 6x7 format, maybe some Wivitar but don´t know about adaptor possibility?<br /><br>

    Many thanks for help!</p>


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