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Posts posted by rebecca_nelson1

  1. <p>I'm a blogger and I'm about to go visit Beverly Hills and while I'm there I'm going to visit many restaurants, attractions, spas, etc in order to write my own city guide for it for my blog. <br>

    Should I e-mail restaurant/business owners ahead of time if it's okay for me to take photos in the restaurant of food or atmosphere etc because I will be writing a review on it for my guide to Beverly Hills? Or should I ask when I get there? I'm afraid if I ask when I get there I will have more no's than yes's on the photos because they weren't expecting me. Let me know what you think? Thank You! </p>

  2. <p>So I'm a teen photographer (17 years) doing my first "big" fashion shoot in about a week. I have a makeup artist, hair stylist, three models, and two assistants. This is a shoot for an online publication.</p>

    <p>Now I have had so much trouble with finding an appropriate location to shoot. I was going to use my home studio but I didn't find it "professional" enough and I felt people would feel to crowded and uncomfortable.</p>

    <p>Then I went to my high school and asked if I could use the studio they have on a Saturday and she said yes so I sent out a call sheet to everyone about when and where to meet, etc. and then when I went back to the school she said no because no one will be there on that particular date. So now everyone thinks it's at this building when it's not and I'm in a serious time crunch to find a new location and make sure everyone gets the new information.</p>

    <p>So I'm really lost on if I should just do the shoot outside (and if I do it outside where can the hair stylist set up? It's not like we can plug in curling irons in the middle of a nature trail - also snow is everywhere and this is a spring/summer shoot) or should I just go and rent a studio for a few hours? I don't really have much money to spend so $150 for a few hours right now is a lot to me. </p>

    <p>I'm just getting stressed and I need some advice! Has anyone ever been in this type of situation before? Help! Thank you.</p>

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