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Posts posted by scott_squires

  1. <p>I have been using a Mamiya 7 and 7II for 10 years. I started shooting more Large Format over the last few years and sold most of my Medium Format gear, but kept all my Mamiya 7 cameras and lenses. I am glad I kept them! I shoot with the 50, 80, 150 and 210 lenses. I also use the 35mm Pano adapter.<br>

    I have read many complaints about the 210 lens. Used as it was designed to be used and it is a great lens. I shoot landscapes with it.<br>

    The 35mm Pano adapter also seems to get some negative posts. Take your time installing it and loading the film as described and it works great.<br>

    I have two Mamiya 7II's, one of each color. That way I can shoot B&W in one and Color in the other or 35mm Pano in one and Color or B&W in the other. It is a very easy system to backpack with!<br>

    The Mamiya 7 system is a wonderful Photographic tool. Lens quality and Image quality cannot be beat!<br>


    <a href="http://www.scottsquires.com">www.scottsquires.com</a></p>

  2. I want to thank everyone for their responses. As always there are pluses and minuses with all formats. My 4x5 has and will continue to serve me well. The Epson 2450 does a great job scanning 4x5's for most of my needs. Like many 4x5 shooters the 8x10 has always been in the back of my mind. I do shoot a great deal of 4x5 Polaroid (Type 55) and the thought of 8x10's is very tempting.

    I always remember looking at an 8x10 piece of Velvia on a light table in 2001 and it was truly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.


  3. I have been printing PiezographyBW on an Epson 1160 for about a

    year. I do not do have a darkroom and have never done my own B&W

    printing. I just do not have the space or time. Having a lab print a

    real quality B&W print for me has always been a problem. I did a

    workshop 2 years ago with George DeWolfe and he had several Piezo

    prints to show everyone. They were beautiful. That is when I decided

    to try it. I must say that the Piezo prints are very beautiful. I

    have compared Lab prints with my Piezo prints of the same subject and

    the Piezo prints are much better in my opinion. I do know that

    someone that is good in the darkroom can make a print as good or

    better than a Piezo. For me the technology is wonderfull. It does not

    take up much space. It is faster and for me very rewarding. As far as

    print life goes only time will tell.

    I have also been printing color on the Epson 2000P. I do believe

    that this technolgy will go beyond any darkroom printing. When done

    properly prints are as good as any color printing method there is.

    Done properly there is no GREEN print and the prints are beautiful. I

    do believe that print life will be longer than any other method out


    Inkjet printing will be a new and intersting way to try printing.

    It will never replace traditional printing. It is kind of like buying

    a new kind of camera and learning how to use it. It's fun!

    Scott Squires


  4. I carried the 600 for 4 years with the same basic setup as you have. It worked fine. The only problem was my back. It got to the point that I was not taking the 600 on long hikes any more. So I sold it and bought the new Canon 500 f4. It is five pounds lighter and what a joy to carry around. I lost 100mm and 140mm with 1.4x, but I use the lens a great deal more and the hunt is much more fun. If you have a strong back you still can't beat the 600.

    Good luck and enjoy it.


  5. Iam going to this area the last week of Febuary for the first time. I

    have read most of the great responses on what to photograph in this

    area. I would also like to get some shots of Bald Eagles, Osprey and

    raptors in general. Any locations known would be appreciated. I will

    be there for 9 days so I can travel quite a ways if needed.


    Scott Squires

  6. In the September Popular Photography,"Just out" section, Page 192, Leica has come out with a polarizer for the M camera that swivels up to the rangefinder so you can see how much polarizing you want and then swivels back down to the lens with the same effect. It would be a great addition for the Mamiya 7. People interested should make it known on the Mamiya Home page, Forum for the Mamiya 7. List price is $410.


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