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Posts posted by yulia_orlov

  1. <p>Thank you, Jonathan!<br>

    I am currently doing family photography, but would love to go into more "artsy" photography...Although i know not many people earn money with that :)</p>

    <p>I called NESOP and they don't have part time programs :( I have 3 kids so going to school for 2 years full time is not an option, unfortunately... <br>

    CDIA has part time program, and much closer to my house...I just don't know if that school is worth looking at...at all...Not many reviews...</p>

  2. <p>Hello all,</p>

    <p>i hope somebody can lit some light on my dilemma :)<br>

    I was in the middle of applying for post-bac to MassArt (because i missed the deadline to apply for graduate duuuh) So i figured i'd apply for post-bac and next year for graduate....</p>

    <p>BUT i started thinking... maybe i should go to certificate program instead of post-bac...Get some core knowledge, classes in photography, and the apply for graduate. <br>

    (I am a self-taught photographer, and for the past year i had an urge to really LEARN photography, with photographers and from photographers)</p>

    <p>SO my question, sorry you had to read all that to get to the main point...What is the best school in MA for certificate?<br>

    I know Hallmark, but it's too far away..CDIA is very close, my main concern is they are digital only, i really want to learn medium format etc...Is NESOP any good? Are there any other good schools around here? </p>

    <p>Any advise would be appreciated...<br>


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