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Image Comments posted by kuba_cachro

    Dry Boat


    "Tropical apocalypse" - that's a nice one :) 


    But what I'd like to say is that in its current form this picture is basically pure form, i.e. it is all about texture and shape. And I'm wondering if it is interesting enough? The boat itself is intriguing, and the fact that it rests on sand with hardly any water in sight makes you think. But still I believe this picture is not strong enough on its own. In context of a larger whole it might work fine. Well... for example, if you were telling a story of changes that take place in environment and society, or something like that, then this photo might sum up your point neatly. Yet, on its own... I don't really see the point. It has the potential, but it is not realized. Formally it is not striking enough, and it is not a part of a story. Maybe you could pair it with an other photo from your portfolio - Mangrove in the Wind, and go on from there. The share some thematic similarities. I mean, if this picture was a part of a series of photographs - they all together may create a bigger whole.


    But these are just my loose thought ;)


    Wish you best luck!



    I like it a lot! The way the horses look against this strange landscape is very inspiring. However, I think the post-production effects are a little too much. It doesn't have to be that contrasty to be effective.


    Still, congratulations.




    I truly like the moment in which the bird was caught and also the way the jetty leads my eye outside the frame. It works well together. I agree with one of the comments above about the blown-out sky, it would be good to burn them in a little so that the sky does not distract the viewer's attention. I'm also wondering if a more panoramic format wouldn't be better for this picture.






    Thank you for introducing me to Krzysztof Falcman's photography! He's pretty intriguing :)  However, his approach in many cases is much more formal and experimental.


    Please, have a look at Witold Krassowski and Bogdan Dziworski who I have always admired and "pursued" in a photographic sense. I'm looking forward your opinion!


    Best regards!



    Thank you for your feedback!


    It is something that cannot let me go in photography - the question of how much of a story should be conveyed in one frame? Or should we make pictures bearing in mind that they will be presented in a series? Or maybe we should just trust or guts and not think too much about it...


    What is your opinion?

  1. The shafts of light coming from the ceiling do a great job here! A very nice photo in this regard. I wish the guy in the foreground was in a more evocative pose. Still, a good picture!

    Broken Letters


    I like this photo a lot! And I rated it highly. I get this sense of "unease" when I am watching it. There is some horror in it I cannot explain. The way it leads my eye to the bride's lips is really good! I'm going to keep it in my mind and hopefully use the concept in a film one day. 


    Wish you all the best!

    Gypsy rover


    I really like the "filmic" dimension of this picture. What I mean is that it would make a nice take in a film. I would like, however, to know a little bit more about what is in store for her i.e. what is at the end of the road. I think it could add more tension to the picture. 


    Best regards



    color 2


    I very rarely venture into colour photography. However, in this particular instance I

    believe that colour adds to the overall experience of watching this photo. Do you agree?

    And if so, why do you think it is?


    Thank you so much for your feedback!



  2.  Hi,


    I'm truly impressed by the mysterious quality of light in this picture. Could you tell me more about it? Is the sun positioned low to the right side of the frame, and was it filtered through the clouds or shining directly?


    The cloud formation in the sky might be a little more evocative, but still it is a view to admire. And the texture of the sand in the foreground is marvelous! 


    It is also nice to know that people still practice larger format photography. It really shows in the results! I never had the perseverance to do so :/ Anyway, way to go!


    Best regards

  3. So close to a great picture! I definitely envy you the situation! 


    However, as a viewer, I would like something that would pinpoint my attention. My eye wonders around the frame, looking for something, but it doesn't meet anything to rest on. The closest is the guy on the right - but apart from his bent over body I learn nothing more about him. 


    That said, I still believe it is a very good frame!

  4. What a nice view! It is moving, in a peculiar way..


    But I think this picture would need more sharpness and resolution. I believe it is not abstract enough to allow for softness and being illegible. If it is to be contemplated, I think it needs detail to look at.


    Best regards!

  5. Hi,


    Arizona... I envy you the sun :) 


    Ok, back the picture. I'm looking for something that would take this photo to a level above a desktop wallpaper. The vista is fine, the sun plays wonderfully... but there needs to be something more. Something needs to HAPPEN, birds fighting for crumbs, or scared away by the fountain, a plane that leaves a trail in the sky and a bird that leaves a trail on the water. Some kind of interplay of life. Maybe it is a good idea to go back there, and just wait... and press the shutter at the right moment. 


    Wish you luck!

    Red pearls




    what a beautiful woman - consider yourself lucky :)


    As for the photo itself: I have some mixed feelings about it. There are two things I would like to comment on: the lighting and the breast :) Let's start with the breast; I guess that the model's left arm is moved back and it takes away from the "roundness" of the breast. Had it been more round it would interplay better with the shape of a pearl. Next, I kind of disagree with the light employed in this shot. I believe that more harsh backlight would highlight the skin better and thus make it more akin the the way pearls look. This would make for such nice photographic subject - skin and pearls. Two completely different surfaces yet with lighting and angle could be brought closer together.


    But, these are just my thoughts :)


    I browsed through your gallery and I like your work so keep it up!


    Best regards





    tell me what you think: would it be beneficial for this picture to get rid of the space

    above the horses (i.e. turn this picture from vertical into horizontal)? Would it draw

    attention better to the subject of the photo? Or would it diminish the sense of the place?


    Thanks for your feedback!



    Thank you for your kind words :)


    I took this picture in my home village, which I still visit from time to time: 




    I have neglected it photographically for many years and just last year realized what a nice subject it would make photography-wise. In the picture above you can even see my home in the background. Anyway, photography is en excelent means to explore places and people! You suddenly have a reason to go into places you wouldn't go to otherwise or talk to people you wouldn't talk to otherwise. Even if you think you know the place inside out, with camera in hand you reveal a layer after a layer that you didn't know even existed before :) Photography, to me, is as much about the process as it is about results.


    Ilford Pan 50 is a nice film. The only downside is that it is rather fragile and needs to be handled with care, but with some practice one gets used to it, don't you agree?


    Thanks again!

  6. Hi,


    This is a breathtaking view! What a place! And winter is doing a great job here :)


    I wish, however, there was some kind of a focal point in this picture. I don't know... maybe even a cat somewhere on the rafters would suffice. I'm looking for something that would turn this image from a landscape into a story.


    Wish you all the best!


    Simply Nice




    I truly like the light in this picture. It is soft but not flat, beautiful but not boring. So thumbs up from me ;)


    The picture is too small for me to see if there are reflections in the eyes that would make tham "alive". If there are, than it is all fine.


    Did you bounce any light as a fill or was it all created naturally?



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