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Posts posted by michelle_n1

  1. <p>Hello Everyone!</p>

    <p>I am a photography student and a new member to this website.</p>

    <p>I have kind of a silly question.<br>

    I know that when taking photographs the the lower the f-stop the more light is let in. For example f/2 a lot of light<br /> and then f/8 not as much light. I get confused in the studio though.<br /><br />For example if I want to create a white background and the subject is f/8 and then the background is f/11 I know<br />that is has to be 2 stops brighter than the subject. Naturally I would think 2 stops brighter would be f/ 5.6<br /> because you are letting more light in. However, letting more light on the background means an f/stop of f/16?<br />Aren't you then letting less light in?<br /><br />Please help me to clear up the confusion!<br /><br />Thanks!</p>


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