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Posts posted by westbrook_mahurin

  1. <p>I have an SSC 50mm f1.4 that is PLAUGED by fungus and haze, to an incredible extent. (It was dirt cheap, though.)<br />On the other hand, I also have an SSC 55mm f1.2 that is basically flawless.<br /><br />I'll give you one guess which one is sharper.<br /><br />That's right. Even through the fungus-infested, hazy mess, I still get a sharper image out of the first lens, even when I stop the f1.2 down a bit.<br /><br />(Also of note, my OTHER, completely clear/clean Canon FD F1.4 (non ssc, "normal lens") also under-performs the infested SSC glass. Crazy, in my opinion, as this fungus looks like a hot, sweaty mess inside the lens.)<br /><br />I definitely prefer my SMC Takumar f1.4 over both of my Canon f1.4 lenses, though. Not only it is wonderfully compact in comparison, it is also sharper, rendering out-of-focus areas on my XE1's sensor to an extent I would not expect from such an open aperture lens.<br />That being said, I have yet to fully put my f1.2 through its paces, and I expect it to out-perform the aforementioned PK glass (though not necessarily in terms of sharpness/rendering out-of-focus areas).</p>
  2. <p>SN 3723xx<br />q729<br />I'm also curious about finding a leather case for my EF. I have a few leather cases that fit PHYSICALLY, but, because of the offset of the tripod mount as compared to other models, most cases do not secure to the bottom. Any suggestions? I thought I might at least find someone who has a similarly off-center tripod mount that has a case for their canon? What models share this trait, if any? Maybe I could find a case that way...<br />Thanks!</p>
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